People diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adulthood may be at increased risk of developing dementia later in life, according to recent research.
However, it is important to emphasize that the study did not establish with certainty whether there is a causal relationship between the two conditions, and further research is needed to explore this possible link. It is also thought that medications used to treat ADHD could have an effect on the potential risk of dementia, but this requires further investigation.
These conclusions come from an analysis of the medical records of more than 100,000 people who have been monitored over time. The researchers found that people diagnosed with ADHD in adulthood had a nearly three times greater risk of being diagnosed with dementia later in life.
The research team suggests that processes related to ADHD in adults may affect the brain’s ability to compensate for the effects of processes that may contribute to the development of dementia, such as neurodegeneration or problems related to blood flow in the brain.
It’s important to note that these results align with the primary goal of the study, which indicates an increased risk of dementia in adults with ADHD. However, no firm conclusion can be drawn regarding the causal link, and more research is needed to confirm this association. It is also suggested that future studies could explore the relationship between the changes in brain neurotransmitter levels seen in ADHD and the increased risk of developing dementia.
It is important to note that ADHD patients should not be alarmed, and further research will help clarify this link and identify potential ways to reduce the risk of dementia in these patients, including through ADHD treatment.
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2023-10-21 10:01:03
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