There are many food products that we love to buy and use in the kitchen. Among these is a product loved by Italians, which could soon disappear from supermarkets. What product are we talking about? Let’s find out together.
A product loved by Italians
When we talk about food products loved by Italians, let’s talk about all those products that are always present in the kitchen. There are for example: pasta, flour, peeled tomatoes, sauces, etc. These are products considered essential, but there are others that, despite not having the same reputation, are much loved and purchased. Among these there is a product loved by Italians and always present in the pantries, which may soon no longer be available, which one are we talking about? Of the canned tuna.
The product loved by Italians
Canned tuna is inevitable in the pantries of people all over the world why? This product is low in calories and super versatile. It can be added directly to salads or eaten uncooked. But it can also be used for the preparation of many recipes accompanied by potatoes, pasta, eggs, etc. Despite being much loved soon may to disappear from supermarket shelves, what is leading to this result?
Canned tuna: may soon disappear
Not everyone knows that there is an association that mainly deals with the conservation of fish products and tuna traps. We are talking about theA.N.C.I.T. an association that represents all those industries engaged in the production of canned fish products, for example mackerel, anchovies, clams, anchovies, mixed seafood appetizers and our beloved tuna. Unfortunately, the analyzes that are always carried out have found a decline in production of this product, equal to 7.7% compared to previous years. What led to this decline?
The decline is due to a decrease in demand. Tuna was in fact a product accessible to all at a level economic and therefore it was present in all the Italian dispensations. With i price increases that have affected our country in recent years, canned tuna has become a product accessible to few. So that a family that used to buy tuna to keep it in the pantry today could do without it given the exponential growth in cost. Why this price increase?
Price increases: they could make the products loved by Italians disappear
What has increased the price of a final product starts at the source. THE fuels used by fishing vessels have had a sharp increase. The same goes for the raw material used: oil and tuna, increased by 30% from the previous price. Neither were the exceptions packaging which have had steep price increases. We therefore find ourselves having a final product that must necessarily have a higher price in supermarket counters.
Price increases of
Today Italy it is second only to Spain in the production of canned tuna. It is therefore believed that instead of the disappearance of this product loved by Italians, there is simply an increase in the price of the final product present in supermarkets. There will likely continue to be a decline in sales and consumption of this product, but hopefully not all of it.
2023-06-28 09:30:38
#product #loved #Italians #disappear #supermarkets