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the positive impact on the real estate market

The symbolic price houses project has reached the Neapolitan, creating an indirect (and beneficial) effect on the real estate market.

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The one-euro houses project has been a boom from the point of view of the literature on the matter. It has been talked about a lot but without, on balance, it took off definitively. The problem was in the scheme itself of the project. Old houses, to be restored e located in places not served in terms of comfort and services. For this reason, the news of the “transfer” of the project to Naples is at least a new opportunity for the plan. A different context than usual, a city with a history and charm that could play an excellent role in the relaunch of homes for one euro.

But, above all, an opportunity for those who, although not born in Naples, have always suffered from its charm and peculiar atmosphere, unique in the world. Maybe someone has even tried to buy a house in the city, however, finding themselves faced with the variable of high prices. In this sense, the “One euro houses” project can come to the rescue. And the possibility of living in Naples and buying a house without spending impossible amounts could come true.

One-euro houses in Naples: how to apply

It is not an isolated project in Campania. The one-euro houses (starting from Sicily) had already been tested in the province of Salerno, especially in the Altavilla Silentina area. However, although the offer did not catch on as hoped, the opportunity to access properties at a symbolic price traveled to the Neapolitan area. The “MacGuffin”, in this case, was the presence of numerous buildings kept out of the real estate market, perhaps because they have been vacant for a long time, unsafe or located in less frequented areas. Exactly like the houses included in the initial project but with the substantial difference of being close to a large city and an even wider hinterland.

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The aim, therefore, is to revitalize the real estate market in question. And, for this reason, the contribution of the housing project to one euro has increased significantly, contributing against all expectations to increasing interest in this type of property, so much so as to pique the interest of real estate agencies and private individuals. Some houses, vacant or in need of renovation, have already been sold and not only through the symbolic price. Even some contexts not included in the project, in fact, have benefited from the interest shown. And many, taking advantage of the low prices (even 60 thousand euros for higher value properties), have started buying. A beneficial side effect.

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