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“The Portal garages will be demolished by the end of the semester”

Amal Couvreur: On the subject of safety, I would have liked us to start with prevention rather than safety. In my opinion, the police intervene when prevention has not worked. My great regret is the removal of the community police, which was doing a real basic job.

Evelyne Félix: It’s a bit of a shame she’s not here at all. There has been more neglect since then. In 2014, during the exploratory walks carried out as part of the Anru, we noted the positive and negative points. Thanks to the local police, things had been changed. It got worse afterwards.

Moncef Guarrouri: It is a problem of security and lack of staff that intervenes in the neighborhoods, especially in the evening from 7 pm. The neighborhood is on its own.

Christophe Boissier: We have adapted the means and town planning, but it is a failure. The Chemin-Bas d’Avignon is not the same district as it was forty years ago. What do we do in these cases? When we see that the only solution to make a school work is to put ourselves in a cage… Where do we live?

Nadège Guillon-Ollier: At Mas de Mingue, there is still this underground traffic which tarnishes this new and beautiful image. I am proud to live at Mas de Mingue and to see that efforts are being made. However, the population is distressed. Moms are no longer in a state of serenity. They are afraid of the stray bullet. They are held hostage in relation to certain groups.

Iulia Suc: Drug trafficking requires the work of all actors and residents. It is upstream work that must be done to eradicate it. The first concerned are the inhabitants. The actions must be known. The police are in these neighborhoods every day. The strategy remains random checks. That way, delinquents don’t know when you’re coming.

Yasmine Fontaine: We have difficulties in terms of the visibility of the actions of the State. We must also talk about places of exchange and institutions. There is a lack of knowledge of what exists to prevent dropping out and avoid this shift into delinquency.

Moncef Garrouri: We are talking about juvenile delinquents. The minors are employed by organized crime that does not come from Nîmes. Today people are asking for security. When someone leaves their car, he wonders if she will find it burnt.

Evelyne Félix: We must also mention the destruction of the Portal garages, the darkness of the neighborhood. When we go there, we are afraid to show ourselves because there is the fear of being mugged or of having our cars burned.

Jean-Paul Fournier: The garages will be demolished. At each meeting of the city council, we come to decide whether to buy two or three. We’re going to demolish them by the end of the semester.

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