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the popular pawnbroker in times of inflation

In Nantes, it is possible to obtain a pawnbroker at Crédit Municipal. The system is little known, but in times of declining purchasing power, it is sometimes the only way to make ends meet.

At the Crédit Municipal de Nantes, a woman comes to deposit a ring in exchange for a loan. An object of great value. “I need my manager to take a look”, indicates Vincent Garry, assessor. To fix the amount of the loan, it is necessary to estimate the diamond. The sum granted represents between 2/3 and 4/5 of the estimated value on the public auction market. For this ring, it will be 4000 €. It’s more than the average: around 900 euros.

“Hello Vincent!” Myriam has just walked through the door. Municipal credit, this regular knows it well: “They are very human, they have no prejudices and are there to help you”. For the deposit of her gold jewelry, she will leave with 280 euros.

In the past, she was ashamed to come and borrow on pawn, but today, necessity rules. This system allows him to ward off precariousness: “The 15th of the month, we have nothing left”she laments.

Every month, in Nantes, 300 to 400 people deposit goods against money at the Crédit Municipal, the only place authorized for such transactions. Mostly jewelry, 90%. There are also works of art, computers, or even fine wines. Customers have 6 months to repay the amount lent with a minimal interest rate.

Christophe Bonneau, the head of the service, affirms that the goal sought is not profit. The goal is to help people: “We are not there with an inquisitive look. We want to provide a solution to their daily problems”.

9 out of 10 people repay their loan on time.

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