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The Pope thanks three examples of charity – Vatican News Vatican

On his birthday, December 17, Pope Francis awarded three people who have dedicated themselves to helping the needy: they are the Syrian Franciscan priest Father Pedrolo entrepreneur. This initiative is organized by the Congregation of the Pontifical Service of Charity.

(Vatican News Network)In memory of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, in India, on her birthday, December 17, Pope Francis honored three people who, in very different life situations, lived charity for the poorest.

A notice from the Pontifical Service of Charity states that among the winners was the Franciscan priest Fr. Hanna Jallouf, who devoted herself to caring for the poor in Syria in the days of the continuing and devastating By war. Another is Gian Piero, known as Wué, a homeless man who spends part of the subsidies he receives every day to help people poorer than him. In addition to the two of them, the Pope awarded Silvano Pedrollo, an entrepreneur from Verona, who allocates a large part of his company’s profits to the care and aid of Africa, India and Latin America. The country’s poorest build schools , dig wells and build medical facilities.

The Pope’s simple but significant move was in honor of Mother Teresa of Calcutta. On December 17, 20 Sisters of the Missionaries of Charity and 20 people who live in the dormitory they manage attended the awards ceremony.

Currently there are more than 6,000 sisters of the Missionaries of Charity, who continue Mother Teresa’s work of caring for the poor in 762 houses of charity distributed in 139 countries and regions. All are called to take up this challenge. The “Flower of Gratitude” presented by the Pope is a small globe set in a cube that supports it: the cube is a symbol of the love that holds the world together, while a window is drawn in the globe behind which Mother Teresa saw her caressing a baby in her arms. The idea of ​​the window comes from what John Paul II said on the occasion of Mother Teresa’s death: «Mother Teresa is an open window through which Jesus appeared and spoke to many poor people in many parts of the world. she and she gives them comfort and dignity ».

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