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The Pope praises the contribution of Italian Catholic doctors to Africa

The Pope praises the Italian Catholic non-governmental organization of doctors (CUAMM), which deals with the protection of health in Africa. The organization was founded in 1950 and is currently present in seven African countries: Angola, Ethiopia, Mozambique, South Sudan, Sierra Leone, Tanzania and Uganda.

Inese Steinert – Vatican

The organization partners with hospitals, medical schools, and universities, focusing on maternal and newborn health, the treatment of infectious and chronic diseases, dietetics, and the universal and equitable provision of health care.

On Saturday, welcoming representatives of the medical organization to the Vatican, the Pope retraced its history, which began in Padua. Here a residence has been opened for young medical students from Africa. From then on, medical assistance began to cover on-site health care and training.

The Pope described the work of the medical organization as a concrete example of when the invocation of the prayer of the “Our Father” “Give us today our daily bread” is put into practice, meaning in this case “health” rather than “bread ”. Francis noted that health is a fundamental good, like bread, water, home and work. The Pope praised the efforts of Italian doctors to provide African nations with access to basic health care while billions of dollars are spent on weapons.

Francis recalled his visit to Central Africa in 2015 and mentioned South Sudan, which he hopes to visit early next year. He wished the doctors working in Africa:

“Do not be afraid to face difficult challenges, go to distant places marked by violence, where the population has no access to health care. Be with them! Even if it takes many years and you often have to experience failures and lack of results, do not get lost Persist in your service and dialogue, be open to all as instruments of peace that help to overcome conflicts”.

The Pope expressed his joy that the doctors of the Italian Catholic NGO that helps Africa always collaborate with the local Churches and institutions to serve the communities of the people who live here more effectively. Francis added that by joining forces and sharing experiences and knowledge, it is possible to better help everyone, especially now that people are pressed by the weight of the Covid pandemic, war and the economic crisis, which further aggravate poverty, hunger and shortage of food. The Pope describes all of this as a “hidden war”, which often goes unnoticed, but which seriously affects the lives of people, especially the poorest. The Pope wished the members of the medical organization:

“May the Lord help you to overcome this “night” with courage, with your heart turned to the dawn, which will illuminate those little rays of joy that we can already see and of which you yourself are a witness. Thank you for the voice that speaks of what Africa is experiencing; for the fact that it brings to the surface the hidden and silent suffering of the poor people you meet every day”.

The Holy Father urged doctors to continue to give Africa a voice, to tell the world about its efforts and hopes “to touch the conscience of a world too concerned with itself and too little with others”.

In conclusion, the Pope invited doctors to pay greater attention to the training of young people, so that they can be useful to the people of their countries, “to help train leaders who can further advance integral human development”.

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