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The Pope, peace for the nations and also for creation

(ANSA) – PORT MORESBY, 08 SEPTEMBER – “From this land blessed by the Creator, I would like to invoke together with you, through the intercession of Mary Most Holy, the gift of peace for all peoples,” Pope Francis said at the Angelus, at the end of the mass celebrated at the Port Moresby stadium, one of the last events of his visit to Papua New Guinea. “In particular,” he continued, “I ask it for this great region of the world between Asia, Oceania and the Pacific Ocean. Peace, peace for the Nations and also for creation.” “No to rearmament and exploitation of our common home! Yes to the encounter between peoples and cultures, yes to the harmony of man with creatures!”, added the Pontiff. “Before concluding this celebration, we turn to the Virgin Mary with the prayer of the Angelus,” Francis said, introducing the Marian invocation. “To her I entrust the journey of the Church in Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. May Mary Help of Christians – ‘Maria Helpim’ always accompany you and protect you: may she strengthen the unity of families, make the dreams of young people beautiful and courageous, support and console the elderly, comfort the sick and the suffering!”, implored the Pontiff. “‘Maria Helpim’, Queen of Peace, help us to convert to God’s plans, which are plans of peace and justice for the great human family!”, he then concluded. (ANSA).

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– 2024-09-08 03:46:57

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