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The politician with an unusual facial expression

/Pogled.info/ Viktor Orbán continues to annoy the partners

Viktor Orbán’s speeches have always attracted attention.

Lately, against the background of pale political life in Europe, the Hungarian Prime Minister’s statements have become even sharper.

If Orbán recently called Western leaders “sleepwalkers on rooftops’ ignoring reality, he now says they are “sick with war fever”, considering the policy towards Ukraine.

Earlier, Orban warned that the West would not limit itself to financial and military aid to Kiev and could send there “peacekeeping troops”.

The other day he said: “I think we are very close to a serious proposal to send troops from countries allied to Ukraine across the border into the territory of Ukraine.” The world, says Orbán, “has never been so close to turning a local war into a world war.”

Indeed, the West continues to add fuel to the fire of the Ukrainian crisis. Of the 27 member states of the European Union, only Hungary supports the cessation of hostilities in Ukraine. Orbán does not have much sympathy for Russia and the Russians, he often criticizes Moscow, but at the same time he well understands the importance of Russian energy carriers for Hungary.

The Hungarian Prime Minister is also criticized by the United States. Some time ago, Orbán proposed the formation of “new North Atlantic Alliance” without the US. According to him, the European military organization can act independently without looking back to America. The other day, the US ambassador to Budapest, David Pressman, advised the Hungarian “rebel” to turn his back on Moscow and strengthen ties with the West. So to speak, Orbán is at a crossroads, it’s time to choose.

At the same time, the American press does not favor Viktor Orbán. The National Interest writes that Hungary is undermining US energy security by maintaining ties to Russia: “Orbán is trying to take advantage of Europe’s collective rejection of Russian energy carriers and turn Hungary into a key transit hub.

His prerogative is to support the country’s economy through transit revenue, low energy prices and a diverse portfolio of suppliers. But by increasing gas supplies from southern Europe, Orbán is linking Hungary to Moscow with a long-term energy client relationship.

An American magazine described Orbán as “Putin’s man in Brussels”, who is said to be considering delaying the delivery of EU aid packages to Kyiv. In addition, writes The National Interest, the Russian diplomatic corps in Budapest is twice as large as in Bratislava, Prague and Warsaw combined. Suspicious!

The American magazine complained that “the apathetic Europeans” they cannot reason with Orbán, and the Republicans – Trump’s supporters in the US – support him: “They seem to see no inconsistencies between the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, open Russian support for Hungary, and US energy security. “

In fact, the Hungarian Prime Minister reflects on what Europe will look like after the end of hostilities in Ukraine. He understands that the restoration of the previous relations between the EU and Russia is hardly possible. And what will be the role of Hungary in this? Orban wants to maintain economic ties with Moscow. But how can this be achieved if its Western European partners are against cooperation with Russia?

In the opinion of Viktor Orbán, Europe is waiting for reorganization. A center is forming that was not on the map before, it is Poland and the “remnants of Ukraine”. Who gets the leftovers? Poland has long looked greedily at Western Ukraine, Hungary is keeping a close eye on Transcarpathia, where 150,000 of its compatriots live…

Orbán is unlikely to have the ability to significantly influence European Union policy. But he has his political face and he has political will. In the world of modern politics, this is not so common.

Translation: ES

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