Home » today » World » The political strategy of fear: Van Rysselberghe enters the debate by dispensing with and insists that the Approval is a “leap into the void”

The political strategy of fear: Van Rysselberghe enters the debate by dispensing with and insists that the Approval is a “leap into the void”

The president of the UDI Jacqueline van Rysselberghe insisted that she “would like” the Government to openly play for the Rejection in the constituent plebiscite of October 25, although she said she accepted the option for the dispensation entrusted by President Sebastián Piñera to his ministers .

The parliamentarian addressed the issue in Tele 13 Radio, where he said that although the Rejection option represents the vast majority of Chile Vamos, there is another factor for the Government to opt for neutrality: “I understand the risk that the opposition will begin to accuse of instrumentalization,” he said.

All in all, he clarified in Infinite Radio that “dispensing is not having no opinion, in all elections governments have to be dispensing, they cannot be exploited, but that does not mean that those who are holding positions within the Government cannot have opinions in this regard.”

The reasons for rejection

According to the senator, “the reasons for rejecting are still many” and she insisted on the thesis of the “leap into the void” to criticize the constituent process. “I see no reason to be able to submit in 14 months to a lot of elections that not only generate this uncertainty of the blank page, the jump to the void, but also an unnecessary electoral stress,” he said.

According to Van Rysselberghe, “starting from a blank page is an unnecessary risk. Starting from a blank page, not knowing everything that has been advanced, can cause problems “.

Then, he added that “we all know that things need to change, the problem is that not all of us want to start from scratch (…) I think the reasons for voting rejection have changed, they have increased.”

In this sense, Van Rysselberghe reversed one of the main arguments of the defenders of the New Constitution, regarding the drafting of the future Magna Carta, noting that “it is not true that Mrs. Juanita is going to be drafting the Constitution, that is a lie the size of a cathedral. There will be people nominated by the political parties, they will compete in the same way as the deputies and probably, in no lesser number, they will be ex-deputies ”.

The president of the UDI added that “it is most likely that if the approval wins, the Constituent Assembly will win, which will be a mirror chamber of the Chamber of Deputies where the vast majority of deputies who will not be able to go will also be present. to reelection “, so in his opinion the country will end with a Constituent Convention that” will be the same as the Chamber (of Deputies) elected a couple of months later “

Matter of dates

Regarding whether it is necessary to modify the date of the plebiscite, another issue that has been installed as a result of the evolution of the Covid-19 pandemic in Chile, Van Rysselberghe said that “it will depend on how people behave.”

But beyond this hypothesis, he argued anyway that “as things have progressed, we are going to have a plebiscite that, most likely, will have low participation.” “If there are people who live with an older adult, it is likely that they will not go because they will be afraid of catching it. Older adults are probably not willing to take risks, ”he exemplified.

However, he noted that any change of date “would generate giant resistance on the left.” “I don’t see today that there is water in the pool to be able to advance in this, but I think that if they continue to happen as we saw yesterday in Central Station, where agglomerations are generated that can undo all that has been advanced in terms of public health Perhaps a regrowth will be generated that makes the conditions to carry out a plebiscite even more difficult, ”he stated.

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