Find every Sunday in your departmental edition the political indiscretions of the editorial staff of “La Dépêche” du Tarn-et-Garonne. Today, agricultural news is widely discussed.
Friday evening, in Valence-d’Agen, the Deux-Rives community council unanimously voted for a deliberation concerning Tarn-et-Garonne Development (TGA). The CC2R, already a member of this joint syndicate for digital development, wishes to join the section concerning water supply for the benefit of farmers.
Irrigation: when the prefect puts a spoke in the wheels
TGA (new name of Tarn-et-Garonne Numérique) has in fact formed an à la carte union to respond to an emergency situation: the difficulties for the agricultural world to have sufficient water resources during periods of drought. The syndicate therefore proposes to be the legal vehicle for carrying out any project to clean out individual or semi-collective reservoirs to replace existing reservoirs or to create new reservoirs (up to a storage capacity of 40,000 m3).
On this occasion, Jean-Michel Baylet, who chairs Tarn-et-Garonne Aménagement, ranted at the representative of the State. “The prefect continues to put spokes in the wheels by nit-picking administratively when there is an emergency. I regret this intransigence and this way of interpreting the texts on the part of the prefect and her services. In the notion of public services, there is serving the public. The challenge is still the restart of a public policy, stopped for years, for the control of water available to our farmers. »
A new bone of contention between Chantal Mauchet and local elected officials, after the representative of the State refused building permits to several mayors for non-compliant collective sanitation networks.
During her wishes to the personalities, on January 20, Chantal Mauchet had declared: “The Head of State expects prefects to be entrepreneurs, facilitators and to embody the humanity of the State. I will do this with conviction and respect”. It is sometimes a long way from words to actions…
Agricultural show: Michel Weill will not miss the Escale village
The president of the departmental council must go to the Salon de l’agriculture to inaugurate the Tarn-et-Garonne activity days on Wednesday on the stand of the regional chamber of agriculture.
A stopover in a roadside restaurant for Michel Weill on the way to Paris.
To reach the capital, the Montbetonnais will take neither the TGV nor the plane. “He prefers to go there by car because he absolutely wants to stop at the famous roadside restaurant in Châteauroux (Editor’s note: this is the Escale village, in Déols). He kept very good memories of it when he had his business, ”says a close friend of President Weill.
Lantern Festival: Brigitte Barèges does the job to the end
The dismantling of the sets for the Lantern Festival was completed this week, at Cours Foucault… where petanque players and joggers will therefore be able to resume their habits. The mayor of Montauban wanted to organize a reception, Wednesday evening at the town hall, to thank “the Chinese workers” according to. A visit to the city of Ingres had been organized by the tourist office for them and Brigitte Barèges gave everyone a basket of local specialities.
The mayor of Montauban organized a reception for the Chinese who dismantled the 2500 lanterns on the festival site.
“A big thank you to our Chinese friends who made it possible to delight the eyes of the 323,000 visitors. We are giving them an appointment in September for the next edition of the Lantern Festival, ”concluded the elected Montalbanaise.
Teti’s drawing: all behind “Ovidie”
At the Agricultural Show, our designer is honoring “Ovidie”, a blonde cow from Aquitaine from the Sazy de Caumont breeding farm, which will take part next Thursday in the general agricultural competition, with the ambition of winning, as in 2022, a gold medal. On the cattle ring of the Show, we will of course see the white beard of Jean Blanc, brother of the mayor of Villebrumier and above all a great promoter of the Blonde d’Aquitaine breed internationally. A family tradition continued by his son Damien, who took over the breeding of Montdurausse.