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The Political Disappearance of Adán Augusto López: From Secretary of the Interior to Misfortune

The one who until just a few weeks ago was the powerful Secretary of the Interior, “brother” of the President and trusted operator of political and even business issues in this government, today is missing from the political scene. The fourth place to which he was sent in the polls of Morena’s internal process, despite all the political and economic deployment that he carried out in his campaign, was undoubtedly a hard setback for Adán Augusto López, who aspired to much more.

But it was not the only mistreatment that the Tabasco politician suffered. In Segob, the department where she was in charge for the last two years, the new secretary Luisa María Alcalde has been in charge of erasing all vestiges of the presence of Adán Augusto’s Tabasco group. As soon as she took office, on June 19, the Mayor began to fire, one by one, all the collaborators who had arrived at the Bucareli building with her predecessor, both in positions of trust and in middle management. and even lower-ranking positions.

In total, about 120 people were forced to present their resignation on instructions from the new secretary, who literally “cleaned up” all those who arrived from the tropics to accompany her predecessor. A former senior official of the Segob, who was part of those fired, assured this column that to identify each and every one of the Adanistas, those close to the Secretary Mayor co-opted one of the Tabasco residents who held a middle management position. and they asked him to give them names and positions of all his countrymen who were in the structure of the agency, in exchange they offered him that he would keep his job. The aforementioned collaborated by providing all the information of his countrymen who were asked to resign and in the end, when the dirty work was done, the unofficial collaborator was also fired from Segob.

Luisa María Alcalde’s hostility was not something new for Adán Augusto and his team, although they did not like that the President allowed mistreatment either. Practically since she was announced as the new head of the Interior, with a message from presidential spokesperson Jesús Ramírez Cuevas, it was very clear that the successor in Bucareli’s office arrived with her sword drawn to question the work of her predecessor. “I congratulate my friend and colleague on her new appointment. The generational change that the country needs continues to strengthen and open a path of hope. Before in Bucareli the most authoritarian and corrupt were headed; Today a new era is being written,” commented Ramírez Cuevas, who never specified whether his “before” included the two former leaders of Segob in this government: Olga Sánchez Cordero and Adán Augusto López.

But at that moment the former head of Bucareli had his sights set very high and overlooked the mistreatment of his former collaborators in the Interior. In his aspiration to become Morena’s presidential candidate, Adán toured the country twice and his events full of people in all important cities and municipalities confirmed that he brought structure and economic resources, in addition to the support of several governors who supported him. They played with him. In his campaign team there was marked optimism that his candidate “would surprise” and that in the bitter dispute between Claudia Sheinbaum and Marcelo Ebrard, he was going to be the option of unity and a “third party in contention.” ”.

The surprise ended up being to see the influential and powerful secretary being surpassed in the Morenoist polls by the deputy Gerardo Fernández Noroña, who with infinitely fewer resources than his own ended up surpassing him. The mistakes of his campaign advisors and the enthusiasm that had characterized his proselytizing throughout the country, were transformed into a harsh expression of annoyance, with which Adam Augusto came out on stage at the World Trade Center that afternoon in the past. September 7th.

And although his loyalty to the President prevailed and he ended up raising his hand to Claudia Sheinbaum and recognizing her as the new coordinator of the 4T, from that day on he did not make any statements again and was only seen meeting with Sheinbaum on two occasions, the first, the September 9 in a hotel on Alameda Central, where his entire close team was present and spoke behind closed doors with the doctor, and on September 12 when the former Head of Government published a photo with him and Ricardo Monreal, announcing the appointment of Adam Augustus as “Political Coordinator” of his campaign.

Since that moment he has not been seen in public or partisan events and, although there is nothing official yet, it is known that he was offered to go to the Senate of the Republic on the Morena list and become the coordinator of the next official party in 2024 Regarding his absence from the public scene, those close to the Tabasco politician confirm that he took a long vacation with his family and the last thing they knew was that he was visiting some Asian countries with his wife and children, from where he will return in the coming days. to fully join the Morenoist campaigns.

Adán Augusto, whose notary and lawyer father Payambé López helped and supported López Obrador in the past in Tabasco in difficult situations that even led him to live with the López Hernández family, always boasted of being “the most loyal and the one who knows best to the President”, and when he resigned from his position he did so with a letter full of expressions of loyalty, along with memories of his parents and even a poetic quote from the Tabasco poet Carlos Pellicer, whose words he used to tell the President that he was “a aide-de-camp of the sun. That letter preceded a several-hour meeting the night before his resignation, in which he spoke privately with the President before saying goodbye to him. And Adam always said, in a biblical tone, that “the times of the Lord are perfect,” although in the end neither the times nor the favor of the “Lord” were for him.


As if it were a biblical plague, in the middle of the succession process of the Rectorate, the UNAM was hit by bedbugs and yesterday, after having initially denied the presence of these harmful insects, when the students of the Faculty denounced them of Chemistry who protested this week shouting “Bedbugs out of UNAM!”, the management of said faculty ended up recognizing the problem and ordered the closure of the Chemistry school facilities from last Thursday until next Monday to fumigate to the happy bugs…And while at the National University some complain about the bugs, others get angry with the charges; At least that is what they denounce in several chats and emails that circulate among university students, in which they accuse that personnel from the General Directorate of the CCH and students from various Sciences and Humanities campuses were taken to the auditorium of the university Medical Center as if they were being taken for a event of the aspiring rector Leonardo Lomelí Venegas, current Secretary General of UNAM. The employees and university students complain that, without giving them any explanation and by order of their superiors, they had to suspend their normal work last Tuesday to be taken to the aforementioned auditorium in the afternoon, where they did not even know what type of event it was. that forced them to attend. “Do not ask questions, was the instruction given to us by the secretaries of the General Directorate of the CCH, while directors of schools such as Naucalpan, Oriente and Vallejo transported dozens of students and officials to this same event in vehicles from their own schools,” They say in emails of which this column has a copy and in which they attribute this practice to the current director of the CCH, Benjamín Barajas. “Ironically, those students were the only ones who dared to question Lomelí Vanegas, who by the way is the preferred candidate of Benjamín Barajas, current general director of the CCH. Everyone knows the proximity of Barajas and Lomelí, so this practice of carrying only shows what awaits the University if it is in the hands of a candidate who is not embarrassed to attend an event full of supporters “who were only there as filler,” say the students in the emails that circulated and in which they make an open complaint to the UNAM Rectorate. “In PRI style, the golden caste continues to act as if UNAM did not require profound change and it is clear that the Director of the CCH, Benjamín Barajas, is far from truly concerned for the students and teachers of this important educational system,” conclude the students and workers who denounced the hauling in the internal process of the renovation of the Rectorate. After the CCH complaint, emails circulated with similar complaints made in favor of the Secretary General of the UNAM from the Cuautitlán Faculty of Higher Studies and the faculties of Chemistry and Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics. Well, aren’t there no carries at UNAM?… The dice close with a Double Ladder. In the end the week got better.

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2023-09-30 13:45:24
#Adam #Augustus #universal

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