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The Polish president will intervene if Bulgaria does not lift the veto on Northern Macedonia – World

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Polish President Andrzej Duda with Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev

Polish President Andrzej Duda announced in Skopje that he would intervene personally in the dispute between Bulgaria and Northern Macedonia if the veto for the start of negotiations is not lifted.

Duda was visiting Skopje and his words were quoted by both Polish and Macedonian media, albeit with nuances.

According to Polish Radio, the public radio company, Duda said that if the problems with the Bulgarian veto remain with the new Bulgarian authorities, which are now being formed after the elections, as President of Poland he will personally join the search for a solution that “will allow Northern Macedonia to join to the EU “under normal conditions.

On the site MKD there is talk of the possibility of “preparing a road map” or a document that will help to deal with the case more easily.

In recent weeks, representatives of various countries, including Austria and the Netherlands (most recently Prime Minister Mark Rutte), have visited Skopje to discuss European integration. For “inclusion” in the search for a solution the United States has also spoken.

The government of Prime Minister Zoran Zaev has resigned so far in anticipation of a breakthrough in the dispute with Bulgaria over the European Council in December, although according to Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for European Affairs Nikola Dimitrov this is also possible in January.

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