Home » today » Business » The Polish Financial Supervisory Authority notified law enforcement authorities. The case is about Nationale-Nederlanden PTE

The Polish Financial Supervisory Authority notified law enforcement authorities. The case is about Nationale-Nederlanden PTE

As reported, the Polish Financial Supervisory Authority notified law enforcement authorities of suspected criminal activity: disclosure of confidential information about the intention to file by Nationale-Nederlanden Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne purchase orders for shares of Unimot, Mercor, Compremum and Polenergia and the use of confidential information about Nationale-Nederlanden PTE’s intention to submit purchase orders for shares of these companies.

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Several million zlotys in fines and even prison

Polish Financial Supervisory Authority he said that a breach of the ban on disclosure of confidential information is a breach of Art. 14 letter c of Regulation MAR and according to Art. 180 of the Commerce Act is punishable by a fine of up to PLN 2 million or imprisonment of up to 4 yearsbut also both punishments together.

A breach of the prohibition on the use of confidential information is a breach of Art. 14 letter a of Regulation MAR and according to Art. 181 section 1 of the Commerce Act it is subject to a fine up to PLN 5 million or imprisonment from 3 months to 5 years, or both penalties together.

Information about submitting a notice from the Commission aims to protect the interests of participants in the financial market and informing them of possible violations of their interests,” the statement said.

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2024-08-27 19:27:45
#Polish #Financial #Supervisory #Authority #notified #law #enforcement #authorities #case #NationaleNederlanden #PTE

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