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The police investigate the reasons for the female mutilation in Bekasi’s rented house


The police arrested the alleged perpetrator mutilation woman in a rented house in Bekasi Regency, MEL (34). Police are currently investigating the motives of the perpetrators of this heinous act.

“Currently PMJ Resmob Sub-Directorate team under the leadership of Resmob Kompol Sub-Directorate Chief Ressa F Marasabessy is exploring various possibilities both motives and suspicions,” Dirkrimum Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Hengki Haryadi told reporters on Friday (30 / 12/2022).

Kombes Hengki Haryadi (Ilham Oktafian/detikcom)

Hengki said his party would involve forensic psychology in investigating this case. The forensic lab team will also be involved.

“Including the victim along with the lab and forensics team. In the future, we will involve a forensic psychology team,” he said.

Police are known to have found the body of a mutilated woman in a rented house in Bekasi Regency, West Java. The discovery of the body was revealed when police were looking for a man with the initials MEL (34) who was reported missing.

Police received information that MEL was staying in a rented house in Kampung Buaran, Lambangsari Village, Tambun Selatan District, Bekasi Regency, West Java. The police arrived at the scene on Thursday (29/12) evening.

Police found MEL at the scene. However, police also found a container which turned out to contain the women’s mutilated bodies.

MEL was immediately arrested and named a suspect by the police.


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