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The “police force” increasingly sought

The Beef, Carrots are crumbling more and more under the files. In 2019, the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN) received 1,460 judicial inquiries by prosecutors or investigating judges. An increase of almost 24% compared to 2018. The multiple demonstrations of yellow vests, violent for some of them, partly explain this increase. This is all the more true since the Paris prosecutor’s office had decided to entrust the IGPN with all complaints related to the use of force: the most serious injuries, but also the least important facts who usually did not fail the font font : being pushed around or breathing tear gas, noted the IGPN in its annual report, released on Monday.

But if the number of investigations is increasing – which could be perceived as a good sign of democratic health – what always intrigues in the annual report of the IGPN is that it is never mentioned what become these judicial inquiries. The judicial authority does not inform in principle IGPN follow-up to procedures ”, indicates the Inspection in its report. How many are classified without continuation? How many are subject to criminal sanctions? Contacted on this point, the Ministry of Justice does not provide answers.

An independent authority?

This opacity does not mean that the officials concerned enjoy impunity. Each year, around 2,000 administrative sanctions are imposed on police (from warning to dismissal). But more and more voices are rising to demand that an independent authority, which would not be made up entirely of police officers, be able to control the work of the police.

This independent authority exists, it is the Defender of Rights. It can be entered by anyone. The question that arises is that of the means at its disposal, falls Jacques de Maillard, professor at the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin, specialist in security matters. The Defender of Rights has 226 agents (against 285 for the IGPN) and 510 delegates (volunteers who advise those who want to assert their rights). Last year, they studied nearly 2,000 disputes related to the intervention of the police. The Defender of Rights concluded a breach in 10.7% of cases.

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