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The police about the gas alarm: Following several hypotheses

Published 2024-02-23 13.27



A gas alarm at the Säpo headquarters in Solna caused the entire building to be evacuated on Friday.

The police have a couple of hypotheses about what is behind the gas alarm

– Construction work and welding, for example, says Ola Österling, police spokesperson.

  • Säpo’s headquarters in Solna have been evacuated after a suspected gas leak, with eight people – including several police officers – hospitalized.
  • The area around the building was cordoned off for a radius of 500 meters and affected both pedestrians and car traffic.
  • The incident is still under investigation.

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On Friday afternoon, the alarm went off about a suspected gas leak at the Säpo headquarters in Solna. According to information, the smell must have been linked to the roof of the building.

Police on the spot asked Aftonbladet’s reporter to leave.

– It is for your own safety. There is a reason we wear the masks.

All personnel in the building were evacuated. It should be around 500 people, according to information TV4.

Those living in the area were asked to close their windows.

It is still unclear what caused the spill. According to information to Aftonbladet, sensors in the building have detected the combat gas phosgene. Something that the police do not want to confirm.

During the evening, the police began a preliminary investigation into causing bodily harm, as well as an investigation into what may have caused the gas alarm.

According to Ola Österling at the police, there are a couple of hypotheses that are being investigated. Including construction work and welding.

– Then there will surely be more, he says.

Next to Säpo’s headquarters, there are construction sites that could conceivably be behind the gas alarm. Among other things, subway work is underway nearby, says Ola Österling.

Säpo claims that it was no gas that triggered the alarm. Something that the emergency services must have come up with.

– When they were done with the operation, it was established that there was no gas, says Säpo’s press manager Karl Melin.

Säpo does not want to answer why the sensors have triggered.

At the same time, the police do not rule out poison gas.

– Poisonous gas is not completely ruled out. We never rule anything out at this early stage. But it is not leaning towards that, says Ola Österling.

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fullscreen chevron-rightnextPolice on scene at headquarters.


Eight to hospital

Region Stockholm earlier today went into staff mode due to the release and several healthcare resources were sent to the scene.

Eight people with symptoms have been taken to hospital. Several of them are policemen who knew by a scent, writes the police on their website.

– Six people have been taken to hospital, two have taken themselves to hospital due to this supposed gas release. I know there have been reports of respiratory symptoms, says Erik Berglund, press officer for the Stockholm region.

– They have respiratory symptoms, they cough as if they have inhaled something irritating, says Patrik Söderberg, chief physician at the Stockholm region.

Söderberg describes the need to seek care in the event of a gas leak as “rare.”

By 21.50 on Friday evening, several had been able to leave the hospital. Two people will remain during the night, according to Ola Östling.


full screen Photo: Andreas Bardell / Aftonbladet

Barriers of 500 meters were set up during the operation. At 4:30 p.m., the police announced that they were claimed.


full screen Police helicopter over the area. Photo: Andreas Bardell / Aftonbladet

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