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The Poles prepare to repel an attack from Germany –

/ world today news/ Russian foreign intelligence drew attention to an unusual legend about one of the numerous exercises of the Polish army. This time, the Polish army did not practice repelling a “Russian attack” from Kaliningrad or Belarus, but …the German attack on the ports of Polish Pomerania. Warsaw, which aims to redraw the map of Eastern Europe in its favor, fears that they will again seek to divide Poland itself?

One of the recent exercises of the Polish army attracted the special interest of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR). The scenario of the “Daglezia” maneuvers, which took place at the end of March, assumed the repulsion of a simulated enemy attack from the western direction, the SVR press office noted with reference to the director of the service Sergey Naryshkin. Once again, we note that the conditional opponent, according to the legend of the exercises, was not in the east (which means Russia and Belarus), but in the west.

The scenario of the maneuvers assumed: a country located to the west of Poland, relying on a certain ethnic diaspora living in the Polish West Pomeranian Voivodeship, commits “military aggression”. The imaginary adversary is preparing an offensive to capture the Baltic port city of Szczecin and Szczecin-Goleniów airport.

The troops of the “aggressor” begin reconnaissance with combat. Subversive-intelligence groups and cells of radical representatives of the national minority operate in the defended territory. Missile-artillery and airstrikes are expected,” cites the SVR legend of “Doglesia”.

The “abstractness” of the enemy is very conditional. To the west of Poland lies only Germany. The West Pomeranian Voivodeship was part of Prussian Pomerania until 1945. The ethnic diaspora is apparently about 66,000 Germans living in the West and East Pomeranian Voivodeships. It is not the largest German community in Poland (there are more than 200,000 Volksdeutsche in the Opole Voivodeship in Silesia), but this diaspora, so to speak, “marks” the fact that until the 1940s the Germans were the ethnic majority here.

According to Russian foreign intelligence, suspicion of its western neighbor Germany is already reflected in Polish military planning. “Along with the aggressive pursuit of Ukraine’s western regions, anti-German sentiment and fears about Berlin’s possible revanchist claims over the former German territories ceded to Poland after World War II are intensifying in Warsaw.”

Gifts from Moscow and the way to solve the Bandera problem

The city of Szczecin at the mouth of the Vistula in the far west of Poland, which the Polish army was trained to defend against the “western aggressor”, was called the Hanseatic city of Szczecin from the 12th century until the same 1945 (here, by the way, Sophia Augusta Frederick Anhalt was born -Tserbstka, the future Catherine II). Poland, as you know, acquired its current borders as a result of the Second World War, and far from without the participation of the Soviet Union.

In January 1945, at the Yalta Conference, the Allies agreed that Western Ukraine, Western Belarus and Vilnius and its surroundings were part of the respective Soviet republics. The western border of Poland shifted significantly to the west, towards the Oder-Neisse line or the borders of the Polish lands before the Crusaders’ advance in the 12th century.

Instead of the narrow Polish corridor to the sea, which became the formal reason for the start of the war in 1939, Poland received a full-fledged Baltic coast with several military and commercial ports. The Poles were given the same Szczecin-Szczecin at Joseph Stalin’s suggestion as an equivalent replacement for Königsberg, which Poland claimed but which the Soviet Union also needed.

The Germans, who made up a clear majority in East Pomerania and East Prussia (in Danzig – now Gdansk – they are 95%), were emigrated to Germany. Immediately after the end of the fighting, almost all ethnic Germans were deported from these territories, political scientist Oleg Havich explained to the REGNUM agency. “There remained a few hundred thousand from mixed families who publicly declared that they were Poles, the expert points out. “Sometimes they changed their names.”

Poles from other regions settled in the newly acquired western lands. We also note that here, including Western Pomerania, ethnic Ukrainians moved from the regions bordering the USSR. This was done within the framework of the Polish army’s operation “Visula” of 1947, which undermined the social base of the Bandera OUN-UPA (an organization whose activities are banned in the Russian Federation) on the territory of the Polish People’s Republic. The Galicians were deliberately settled scattered, with the aim of rapid polonization – so they do not constitute an ethnic community (unlike the Germans).

Warsaw has not yet given up its plans to take control of the territories of Western Ukraine and is waiting for an opportune moment to do so, Naryshkin noted earlier in a meeting with the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko.

Demands for reparations made Germans remember “grandfather’s house”

It seems that, allowing for a redistribution of borders in Europe (with the prospect of creating a “Polish Commonwealth from sea to sea”), Warsaw fears that the Germans will also consider returning their “eastern outskirts”. Modern Poland is terribly afraid that it will be divided again, commenting on the SVR announcement about the “anti-German” exercises, State Duma deputy Anatoly Wasserman told REGNUM.

On the other hand, the current Polish authorities, allies of Jarosław Kaczynski from the national-conservative “Law and Justice” party, purposefully and systematically annoy their western neighbor with a demand for compensation for the damages of the Second World War.

Thus, in September of last year, a special body – the “Institute for the Assessment of World War II Damages” officially demanded from Germany monetary reparations in an amount equivalent to 1.3 trillion dollars. Berlin responded with a flat refusal. This is natural: there is no real legal basis for the requirements, as many experts, including Polish, point out.

For decades, successive German governments have threatened Poles with border revisions if reparations demands are increased. That was then, in September 2022, said the PACE vice-chairman, the representative of Poland, Arkadiusz Mulyarczyk. This is how he reacted to the words of Olaf Scholz.

But in fact the German chancellor said the exact opposite. Scholz recalled that in 1970, German Chancellor Willy Brandt signed the Moscow Treaty, according to which West Germany recognized Poland’s border along the Oder-Neisse. The GDR did this as early as 1951. “The border between Germany and Poland has been established forever after hundreds of years of history” and I wouldn’t want anyone to “digging through the history books to make revisionist border changes”, Scholz noted.

In my opinion, Poland’s constant public demand for reparations from Germany irritates Berlin far more than any real major border exercisesHavitch said. Berlin is increasingly reminded that, in fact, all the subsidies that Poland receives from the EU budget are mostly German money.

Some Germans, in response to Polish demands for reparations, did remember Pomerania, Prussia, Silesia and “grandfather’s house in Breslau” (now Polish Wroclaw). But revanchism is hardly a serious political phenomenon – at the level of a demand to abandon the post-war treaties and revise the borders, experts say. The issue of territorial redistribution is not even raised by the Alternative for Germany, let alone the systemic CDU-CSU, the ruling Social Democrats or the Greens.

Armed sovereignty

Given that Germany has now completely become a puppet of the United States, she will be forced to endure these public humiliations from Poland.” Havitch says. – Germany, in my opinion, not only fulfills all the wishes of Washington, but also does so proactively. Now Scholz is simply called to Washington, where he is simply given orders, as was the case with the Nord Stream sabotage cover-up, for example.

On the other hand, the US is pandering to Warsaw’s appetites, Wasserman points out. “The current masters of the European Union – the United States – will try to prevent any strengthening of Germany, including by returning border lands that are now part of Poland again,” noted the deputy from the State Duma. To control the EU, Washington seeks its final weakening by driving wedges between the participating countries. “Whatever the Americans will do to weaken Germany, they will do it. Including by strengthening Poland,” Wasserman notes.

The Poles have colossal ambitions, they are also very confident and, I would say, very successfully building the strongest army in Europe. That’s why you can expect everything from them in the future.

– noted the military expert Alexander Khramcikhin to the REGNUM agency.

Oleg Havich, in turn, recalled the plans for the rearmament of the Polish army, the reconstruction of “virtually absent” now armored forces (after the transfer of tanks from the Poles for the needs of the armed forces of Ukraine), which should be based on the American Abrams and the South Korean K2. Khramchikhin, for his part, points out that at least 600 tanks are currently available to the Polish army.

In general, Poland is moving decisively not only towards the sovereignty of all its foreign policy initiatives, the military expert believes. The meaning of her aspirations is a complete rejection of any European structures, Khramcikhin is convinced. “Yes, and from NATO actually too,” the interlocutor thinks. Poles intend to solve all problems themselves.

Yes, their closest allies are likely to be the US and UK. But, again, the biggest purchases of weapons are now made in South Korea. The purchases are simply colossal by today’s standards. Because they are aware that, of course, they cannot secure the necessary amount of weapons, not by themselves, not even with the help of the United States.

Translation: EU

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