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The Poles’ Love for America and Disappointment with Their Statehood: Insights by Russian Senator Alexey Pushkov

The publication Myśl Polska wrote that the Poles love America more than Poland itself. As noted, “our happiness is America’s happiness,” and they hate Russia fiercely. Senator of the Federation Council of Russia Alexey Pushkov drew attention to this today, September 24, in his Telegram channel.

“Poland is geographically unlucky. Ambitious, but sandwiched between Russia and Germany, which they also do not like, Poland failed to realize the age-old dream of creating and maintaining a strong one. a regional superdejava, stretching from the Baltic to the Black Sea,” he writes.

The senator recalled that because of this, Poland lost its statehood in the 18th century. At the beginning of the 20th, after parting with the Russian Empire, Poland seemed to have a chance. As a result of the war with Soviet Russia, it took away vast territories from it. However, things further stalled.

“The Poles still surpass their dictator Piłsudski, who set the goal for the nation to create Poland “from sea to sea.” But the matter came down to the annexation of the small Cieszyn region in the north of Moravia, during the division of Czechoslovakia by Hitler. Yes, for this the evil Churchill nicknamed Poland “the hyena of Europe”! And then everything completely went awry: Hitler hated Poland and did not see its place on the map of Europe,” Pushkov said.

He continued, noting that “as a result, Poland liberated by Soviet troops, whose statehood and territory were restored primarily by the Soviet Union, was left with an unrealized imaginary, but important for its elite, historical destiny.”

“Deeply frustrated, she transferred her lust for power and influence to the United States. Today Poland considers itself strong American support, participation in NATO, American influence, American geopolitical positions and the hope of receiving US nuclear weapons on its territory. Forgetting, however, that all this is American, Poland is in the wings here and, with the best relations with Washington, plays a serving role,” Pushkov concluded.

2023-09-24 07:34:00
#Poland #recognized #population #loves #homeland #Myśl #Polska #EADaily

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