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The polar front brings the cold wave to Baden-Württemberg

  1. General Giessen
  2. consumer

Created: 09/15/2022, 12:19


Summer in Germany is over. Instead, Deep Queenie brings a cold wave to the country. Read here what it means for Baden-Württemberg:

“The heating season looks to start very early this year,” predicts wetter.net qualified meteorologist Dominik Jung. Bad timing when looking at rising gas prices. This is due to a polar front that is also up to the problem in Baden-Württemberg. In mid-September there is therefore a sharp drop in temperatures, which heralds the end of summer 2022.

HEIDELBERG24 reports how the cold wave will affect Baden-Württemberg.

According to the weather expert, it is not yet possible to say whether the cold spell from Deep Queenie will ultimately lead to a “golden October” – a period of good weather in the second third of October. (that is)

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