Home » today » Entertainment » The poet Rubén Darío the “Eternal Universal” is commemorated on the 105th anniversary of his transition to immortality

The poet Rubén Darío the “Eternal Universal” is commemorated on the 105th anniversary of his transition to immortality

This February 6, within the framework of the 105th anniversary of the transition to the immortality of the poet Rubén Darío, a tribute was held in honor to the Universal Bard, with the show called “Eterno Universal.

The solemn act was held in the Rubén Darío National Theater (TNRD), in Managua.

Teacher Ramón Rodríguez, director of TNRD, said it is a classic program alluding to poet Rubén Darío.

“Where we have musicalized poetry (by the poet Ruben Dario), we also have choreographic recreation with choreography of these musics; we are going to have the actor José Arias and around 100 people participate, among them, Camerata Bach and the Youth Orchestra, he stressed.

Several renowned artists and the National Ballet Company.

The singer-songwriter Ofilio Picón assured that the poet Rubén Darío He is the greatest figure not only in literature, but in our country.


“I say that Ruben Dario he is the founder of the emotional homeland, the mental homeland, because you know that there is a homeland that is that of geography “, he expressed.

He commented that the feeling of being Nicaraguan and the attachment, the poet Rubén Darío He contributed deeply to that, and which also caused an enormous impact on the Castilian language and on the poetry that had fallen into decline, but which was reborn with the poet Darío.

Adela Manzanares, who attended the event, found the initiative of having musicalized the poems by Rubén Darío.

“It seems very good to me because it is a way that everyone who does not have knowledge of the great character that he was Ruben Dario get to know him and that motivates us to instill in young people that principles are very important and that history like Rubén Darío’s is a very important legacy for young people to move forward “, valued.











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