Home » today » Entertainment » The Podemos porn actress launches a book to promote “feminist and ethical pornography”

The Podemos porn actress launches a book to promote “feminist and ethical pornography”

Amarna Miller, A porn actress linked to Podemos, has written a book to promote “feminist and ethical pornography.” In the early years of Podemos, she collaborated in several talks with the Pablo Iglesias party and, in fact, stated that she would be delighted to run for elections under the purple acronym. However, now he has moved away from that political formation and has made his foray into the publishing world.

The actress just posted Virgins, wives, lovers and whores (Ediciones Martínez Roca), a book in which he exposes his reflections on feminism, porn and other aspects. In particular, her constant criticism of men is striking.

The first chapter of the book from which it was named «The porno muse of Podemos» It is dedicated to “Fear, Guilt and Loneliness.” He regrets that the feeling of guilt is mostly for women and not for men. Likewise, he criticizes that the abused woman is blamed for a rape and does not charge the rapists. Miller bets on talking about “Survivors” and not “victims.”

Then reflect on «the lack of female referents ». Remember that when a journalist has ever asked her about her references, she has been surprised by responding with a list of authors where all were men.

Support for “flirting”

Then he dedicates a section to “the femininity game.” The porn actress censors criticism of women who “use flirting” in their day to day life to achieve their goals. Although Miller considers that it is not advisable to use these tactics in professional life or where there are superior relationships, he affirms that in other aspects of life there is no problem in using women’s weapons. In that chapter he signs a section entitled “I like being a bitch.”

On the other hand, comment “The tyranny of beauty.” He considers that, contrary to what is commonly accepted, women are not the worst critics of women themselves. Indicates that women tend to go to work with minimal makeup and baggy clothing to not be harmed by its beauty. “I don’t want to be the hottest director,” she says in her book, replicating a comment she heard from a friend.

Similarly, other chapters deal with “My body: the enemy”, “All you need is love”, “Other ways of loving”, “The long tentacles of machismo”, “Feminism and new masculinity”, “The stigma of sexuality”, “The dilemma of sex work”, «Feminist porn vs. porn for women » or “ethical pornography.”

Amarna Miller on a Podemos poster.

Regarding pornography, he considers that they should prevail the “ethical” shootings where it is clear what each of the actors and actresses are willing to do. In this sense, the activist asked men “as pornophiles to make a responsible consumption” of adult content. He points out that in the same way that the stamps of “fair Trade”, in porn the same has to happen with quality certifications.

Quarrel in feminism

On the other hand, she criticizes the prevailing current in feminism that seeks to unify the movement. Consider that “There are no good feminisms and bad feminisms”. Thus, it recognizes that there are hot debates such as the regularization or abolition of prostitution and, on this issue, unlike the Ministry of Equality, led by Irene Montero, it defends “sex workers.”

Point out that “Sex work exists And, whether we like it or not, we prohibit it or not, there are and will be people who dedicate themselves to it. Miller stresses that “these individuals need labor protection, recognition of their individual voices and experiences and being able to have the same rights as any other worker ”.

Also, against the mainstream of feminism, she argues that “there are people who engage in sex work for own will”, some of which “without this decision being the consequence of economic need or lack of job opportunities.”

Approach to More Madrid

The actress says that after several years of intense work she has dissociated herself from pornography and now he has redirected his career to communication. He has a television show and participates in various podcasts. Has moved away from pablismo and, on the contrary, winks at regionalism. For example, he recently interviewed the spokesperson for Más Madrid at the Madrid City Council, Rita Maestre, with which he showed total harmony.

Finally, he also throws his darts at journalists. «When they interview me everyone is obsessed with gory details, probably trying to get some intense statement that can generate a good number of visits to the newspaper’s website, but almost no reporter is interested in telling my reality or my point of view from an objective perspective. Isn’t that against journalistic ethics? ”He wonders.

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