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The PO asks for fines from Corporación América for the remediation of the Suquía River

Together with members of the neighborhood assemblies of Chacra de la Merced, the councilor Cintia Frencia and the spokesperson of the Polo Obrero, Emanuel Berardo, toured the Bajo Grande sewage treatment plant. The initiative is part of what the organizers called “Toxi Tour”, a visit to points of environmental contamination in the city.

During the visit, the critical environmental situation in the area was confirmed again. This once again warms up the complaint that the América Corporation should have completed a work to expand and re-operate the water purification plant, at least ten years ago. But the reality is that after a decade it did not put more than 26% of the funds destined for the work.

The company received as compensation the municipal authorizations to develop its mega-enterprise in what was former battalion 141. But to date the truth is that between 8 thousand and 15 thousand cubic meters of sewage liquids per hour are thrown into the Suquía River, practically in raw state, untreated.

The tour not only found the fraud that the company is committing with the complicity of the mayor Martin Llaryora and his predecessor Ramón Mestre, who do not take action on the matter. It was exposed once again that governments ignite real estate speculation over the needs of the working population; Only the city of Córdoba has a housing deficit of 120 thousand families without a roof.

At the end of the tour, the candidate for senator for the Worker and Popular list, Emanuel Berardo stated: “the administration of Mestre before and of Llaryora have now consolidated sacrifice zones in the city, where environmental pollution is combined with the social crisis and poverty. Behind this are huge deals with construction companies that have taken over urban land. Bajo Grande is today an icon of this policy ”.

For her part, the FIT councilor Cintia Frencia stated that “with the neighbors we have verified that the operation of the old plant is practically nil. The progress of the new plant, which today is financed with funds from the nation and the province, is slow and there is still a lack of equipment ”.

In addition, the FIT councilor denounced that “Llaryora speaks of Circular Economy but the industry in our city dumps all its waste in the River, which causes numerous problems in the health of the neighbors.”

It should be clarified that the Partido Obrero in the FIT-U, with the Cintia bank, months ago requested a report on the status of the plant and the progress of the work, without obtaining satisfactory answers. Given this, the left-wing mayor will demand that the Council’s Urban Agreements Review Commission immediately proceed to impose sanctions on the company, canceling the current agreements it has with the municipality, and urging the payment of $ 365,655 million pesos. , plus the payment of interest for arrears, which have to be invested in the immediate refunctionalization of the old plant, and the remediation of the Suquía River.

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