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The Plight of the Stateless Kurds: History of Repression and Struggle for Autonomy

Kurds are a stateless people. Largest stateless population. They were Iran’s target in Iraq. That’s another story.

The first attack took place in Iraq. The reason for that is different, the ballistic missiles fell in the Kurdish region of Irbil. It has happened before. Mahsa Amini was a Kurdish woman who was killed in the custody of the Morality Police. At that time, it was alleged that the Kurds in Iraq were helping the protests that spread throughout the country. At that time, Saddam accused Iran of being behind the use of poison against the Kurds during Saddam Hussein’s reign. Its background is different. Kurds are a stateless people. Scattered population in Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey. Because of their autonomy in Iraq. Iraqi Kurdistan. But in Iran, Turkey and Syria there is a constant struggle for autonomy. Both groups suppress separatism. After the Syrian civil war, Turkey crossed the border and killed them.

When the Ottoman Empire collapsed in World War II, the proposal for a state for the Kurds was put forward in the Treaty Od Serves. But Turkish leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk rejected the agreement. There was no Kurdish state in it. Instead, the borders of modern Turkey were drawn. With that, the Kurds who were residents of the Ottoman Empire were scattered in four countries. In Iran they formed the Republic of Mahabad, under the rule of the Soviet Union. After the Soviet Union withdrew, Iran took over. The Kurds supported the Islamic Revolution in Iran but were suppressed by Khomeini’s regime. Repression intensified after Mahsa Amini’s death. Often attacks have occurred across the Iraqi border. In the name of Pak Rebellion. In Iraq, Mustafa Barzani formed the Kurdish Party.

But Saddam and the Shah of Iran came to some understanding and signed an agreement. Iran and the US withdraw their support for the Kurds. With that, the fight in Iraq became ineffective. But Iraqi Kurds helped Iran and Iranian Kurds helped Iraq in the Iran-Iraq war. After that, the genocide of the Kurds in Iraq took place. Chemical and toxic gas application. The Kurds got an autonomous region after the United States defeated Iraq, which occupied Kuwait. In northern Iraq. Iraq also ratified it in its 2005 constitution. But the Kurds voted for independence in the 2017 referendum. With that, the oil fields that were their main route were captured, Iraq,

Kurds do not even have citizenship in Syria. Can’t even get married legally. Meanwhile, the Kurds were an ally of the US and the West in the war against the Islamic State. In Iraq and Syria. But again America abandoned them.

The Kurdistan Workers’ Party, which began advocating an independent state in Turkey, narrowed it down to autonomy. The founding leader was imprisoned in 1999. When violence becomes a weapon, massacre is the method adopted by Turkey. It extended to Syria. During the Syrian civil war, the Kurds formed the autonomous region of Rojava. Turkey’s attack is towards that. The rest of this is Iran’s attack.

Last Updated Jan 26, 2024, 1:13 PM IST
#largest #stateless #population #scattered #Iran #Iraq #Syria #Turkey..
2024-01-26 07:43:32

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