Home » today » World » The plan to destroy the VSU is ready: The routes of the Russian missiles – 2024-08-14 07:52:54

The plan to destroy the VSU is ready: The routes of the Russian missiles – 2024-08-14 07:52:54

/ world today news/ Exaggerated and irrational “overcoming” – this is how Deputy Chairman of the Security Council Dmitry Medvedev characterized the night and morning attacks against Moscow and the Crimean Peninsula. In an attempt to distract Ukrainian society from the complete failure of the counteroffensive, Zelensky and his entourage decided to take revenge on civilian targets in Russia. But they did not take into account the main thing: there will be a “Russian response”.

Kyiv has made its move. We are on the move

On July 24, around four o’clock in the morning, the first reports appeared of explosions that thundered in Moscow in the area of ​​Komsomolsky Prospekt and Likhachovsky Prospekt.

Soon the capital city hall confirmed: it is about Ukrainian drones. Both strikes hit non-residential buildings, luckily avoiding serious damage and casualties.

In Crimea, things are worse. There, the Armed Forces carried out a combined attack. 17 UAVs were immediately launched on the peninsula, as well as British Storm Shadow missiles.

The drone strike was completely stopped, but the missiles hit their target and hit the ammunition depot. This is the third time in five days that warehouses have been hit by second-hand warehouses in the region.

Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of Russia, commented perhaps most on the strikes on Moscow and Crimea:

“The Bander bastards are increasingly choosing peaceful, civilian targets for their dastardly strikes. Everyone should be ready for that. And we should be choosing non-standard targets for our strikes. Not just warehouses, energy centers and oil bases. There are other places where not yet waiting for us. And where the effect will be very significant.”

In fact, Dmitry Anatolyevich outlined two practical solutions in response to the Ukrainian attack: first, we must prepare for new ones, not forgetting that the enemy does not distinguish between peaceful and military targets, and second, cold-bloodedly choose targets for “reaction”.

How to clear the sky of Moscow?

Every time there is news of a drone attack on the capital, people have a reasonable question: why don’t we have an echeloned air defense system? After all, we are talking about covering Moscow.

And the answer is actually on the surface, Andrey Klintsevich, head of the Center for the Study of Military-Political Conflicts, notes in a comment for “First Russian”:

“You have to understand that the radii of radars and air defense systems are somewhere on the order of 100 kilometers. Stationary large ones can reach up to 500 km. A stretch of thousands of kilometers along the front and thousands of kilometers in depth will always form areas where there is not enough coverage “.

“Therefore, no country in the world can afford a continuous air defense system. The complexes are located either along the main routes or near certain objects,” he said.

“Given the fact that Ukraine has intelligence data from all possible satellites in the world, including commercial (there are more than 400 of them), electronic intelligence satellites that detect the operation of mobile phones, radar stations, etc. , they can get a flight mission that will help them fly around dangerous areas at maximum distance,” added the expert.

Now Beaver-type drones, made entirely of composite materials in the interest of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine, have been used to attack the capital, the expert notes.

They are quite quiet, can fly low, have a small scattering area, which makes them difficult to detect by domestic radars. They fly some difficult route, winding, flying around the city. Most of the drones probably crashed or didn’t fly at all, but a few flew as far as Moscow. In general, however, our capital is protected from airstrikes.

“I will reveal a little secret: there are air defense systems around the entire perimeter of Moscow. But we must understand that the enemy will always look for opportunities to penetrate,” he said.

“In addition, both our air defense systems and those of foreign ones are focused on other targets. Our same Lancet attack drones hit air defense systems of almost every type that Ukraine has in service, from the Soviet S-300 to the Cheetah. This suggests , that the objectives have completely changed,” explains the military analyst.

Now the development of air defense systems designed for drones is in full swing: for compact, high-speed and low-flying targets. Here the rockets should be compact, small.

After all, you can’t launch a big missile, especially over the city, it’s dangerous. It’s necessary to have accurate guns that can hit UAVs. Completely different algorithms are needed for electronic warfare. By the way, our electronic warfare equipment is very effective.

“We change the altitudes. Satellite navigation gives not only coordinates in space, but also coordinates in height. By changing these frequencies, making them fake, we show them that the device is flying at a high altitude,” said Klintsevich.

“The computer starts lowering it and the UAV crashes into the ground. Maybe that’s how they somehow got hooked on those buildings in Moscow due to the fact that the air defense system has already changed its height. If this is not important for car navigation, it is critical for such drones,” says Klincevic.

The jamming of GPS navigation in the center of Moscow, of course, also plays a role. But you must understand: this is a temporary measure. Ukraine does not yet have the finances or access to inertial navigation system technology when the UAV turns into a gyroscope.

This UAV type defines any UAV change in space. With a small frequency, it can communicate with a satellite to clarify coordinates, can go into conditions of complete suppression of electronic warfare systems and remain stable even if something hits it. And the prospect of the appearance of this type of unmanned aerial vehicles should be taken seriously.

The Kremlin is preparing a retaliatory operation

Dmitry Medvedev’s harsh words show that the Kremlin is not just shaking the air, but is preparing for a large-scale operation, the expert believes:

“We understand that Dmitry Anatolyevich is immersed in the highest echelons of decision-making, this is the Security Council. And if they planned a surprise for Ukraine and its leadership, we will all wait for this surprise together. And we will not offer possible options, where they must be strengthened.”

But several facts indicate that there has been an increase in Russian airstrikes and an expansion of the range of weapons used.

The first is the increased capabilities of our intellect. In addition, strikes by high-velocity (about 3000 km/h) Onyx anti-ship missiles, which Ukraine cannot shoot down, on sites in Odessa during the day suggest that decisions are made online. Spotted the target – immediately struck. That is, satellite intelligence and ground intelligence.

The next point is the number of missiles and ammunition. It has increased significantly. We have been working non-stop in Ukraine for the fifth day now, and we are never done with anything.

And the last moment – our military-political leadership decided for itself to expand the geography of the strikes. Including on fuel tanks previously covered by a grain deal, naval drone manufacturing factories, naval saboteur bases.

“I am sure that we will see a lot now. Our country has long asked questions related to decision-making centers, logistics bridges, crossings, airports, airfields, etc.,” says the head of the Center for the Study of Military-Political Conflicts .

“In the conditions of constantly falling air defense systems, Ukraine has a plus due to the consumption of missiles, and since they are not particularly trying to transfer new ones to them, the problem is becoming more and more relevant for them,” Klintsevich also stated.

At the same time, it should not be thought that Russia cannot reach the most important transport arteries of Ukraine. For the collapse of the bridge, say, it is enough to hit with only one rocket.

Even if it doesn’t collapse, it will be dangerous for trains to run on it. Ukraine will certainly not have as much time to put bridges into operation as we had with the Crimean bridge – it has problems with technology.

Let me remind you that bridges were always built in Soviet times “with a margin”. It was assumed that they would be attacked by airstrikes with 250 kg bombs. They hold such a charge.

“That’s why, for example, Iskander’s strike on the Antonovsky bridge immediately collapsed an entire span. This suggests that already 450-500 kilograms of warhead are enough to disable the bridges,” said Andrey Klintsevich.

“And the Iskanders have greatly increased their accuracy – up to 3-5 meters. In fact, it is even a question of a political decision. We have military capabilities to destroy bridges across the Dnieper,” he added.

But earlier it was really problematic. Why focus on improving accuracy? This is a whole set of measures: the appearance of special satellites capable of recording precise coordinates around the clock. It is also a completely different mission of the rocket’s flight.

If in the initial stages of the SVO missile deviation of 50 meters suited us to hit the target, now it is not enough. 3-5 meters are needed to ensure that the missile will hit the bridge, its abutment and supporting structures.

We have already achieved such characteristics in countermeasures from air defense, radio electronic warfare and everything else.

What are we waiting for?

Most likely, our military-political leadership should strike such a blow for some specific tasks. The effect is very important – and not the media one, as with the Kyiv regime, but the practical one.

The strike must be sudden and, most importantly, combined with the actions of the armed forces. For example, if the bridges collapse immediately at the moment of the Russian counteroffensive, this will completely disrupt the logistics of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the conditions of a colossal expenditure of ammunition. There will be no b/k to be raised in time – there will simply be nothing to stop our roll.

What follows from this?

However, in addition to the air-missile response, we must not forget the “ground” response. In a meeting with military commanders, President Vladimir Putin deliberately mentioned the creation of a buffer to stop the constant shelling of Russian border territories.

And this means that it is necessary to conquer these lands, from where UAVs are most often launched in the cities of Central Russia.

There can be only one answer to what happened – the rapid creation of a “sanitary zone”, or rather, the return of the original Russian lands from which the UAVs fly to Moscow.

“First of all, Kharkiv and Sumy regions, donated to the Ukrainian SSR by the Bolsheviks. Then the way to the liberation of the Mother of Russian cities – Kiev, where the long-awaited Khreschatyk Victory Parade should be held,” reasonably notes the founder of Constantinople Konstantin Malofeev.

Translation: SM

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