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The place of quality of life at work (QWL) in business

The quality of life at work is fully in line with the investment in the development of your CSR policy. Decryption and ideas to get you started!

Quality of life at work and corporate social and environmental responsibility

In the national barometer of the perception of CSR published by MEDEF in 2020, it appeared that the QVT axis (Quality of life at work) occupied second place after health and safety at work in CSR subjects perceived as important to the business.
QWL and CSR are two subjects that have a lot in common, starting with the same objective of putting people back at the heart of the mission of a sustainable and responsible company.

These two subjects also maintain close links, because they are tools that serve the performance of the company. Today, performance in a company is no longer understood as a simple productivity ratio, but as a set of conditions met to advance motivated, committed teams who find meaning in exercising their profession in a successful company. by working for the collective, societal and environmental good.

CSR promotes the quality of life at work through its direct actions (gender pay parity for example) and indirect (having a clearly defined purpose for the company). Conversely, the quality of life at work strengthens the company’s social and societal commitment.

What does the QVT approach include?

Concretely, a QVT approach includes different issues:
– Relations at work, social climate (participation, social dialogue, relations with colleagues and managers, fairness, places to take a break, etc.)
– Skills, professional development (flexibility and security, integration path, training plan, adaptation of skills, individual interviews, etc.)
– Occupational health (organization of working time, dissemination of DUERP, arrangement of places and workstations, quality of prevention, optimization of professional travel, etc.)
– Professional equality and equal opportunities (work-life balance, professional equality between women and men, consideration of disability, diversity and non-discrimination, etc.)
– The content of the work (autonomy, sense of work, empowerment, distribution of the workload, clarity of instructions, means available to carry out the work, etc.)
– Commitment and management (knowledge of the strategy, the structure project, clarity of roles, transparency on the remuneration policy, information on changes, dissemination of working procedures, etc.)

When CSR and QWL are aligned: 3 ideas for actions to put in place

– What if you introduced skills sponsorship in your company? The idea is to allow your employees, during their working time, for one day or longer periods, to get involved in a project of general interest. 24,000 companies practice corporate sponsorship with the aim of nurturing the development and motivation of employees in a different way. It is also a way of broadening their field of expertise and giving their work extra meaning. Skills sponsorship is tax-exempt, you can deduct 60% of the salaries of employees on assignment in proportion to the hours of dedicated work.

– Initiate actions related to personal development: sophrology courses, training for better time management, non-violent communication or conflict management, concentration support applications. The psychological well-being of your employees is invaluable and these tools can help you fight the rise in psychosocial risks in the workplace.

– Sign a dedicated charter or create a partnership with a local ESAT for the outsourcing of services useful to your business (laundry, catering, green spaces, etc.).

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