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The pill is gone for good: ‘I no longer want to suppress my period’

This is what the expert says

Manon Graveyard, gynecologist and founder of expertise center for women’s care Curilion, is not surprised by women who decide to stop taking the pill after years. “Many women actually don’t know their own body well. They have insufficient understanding of their cycle and of what hormones can do to their body. Some women discover this at a later age and then decide to take steps.”


If you take the pill from an early age, your cycle is taken over, or actually suppressed. You then no longer have a normal cycle, but a ‘pill cycle’. “You no longer menstruate on the basis of your own hormones. The pill suppresses ovulation. That is why it works so well as a contraceptive. The pill suppresses the release of FSH and LH: two hormones that normally ensure that eggs mature and ovulation occurs.”

The process that takes place while taking the pill is therefore stimulated, but not dangerous or bad for your body. “All you do is suppress your cycle. Instead of your own hormones, your body responds to synthetic hormones.”

According to Kerkhof, it is not strange when women talk about loss of libido due to the pill. “This has been scientifically proven. The pill increases the hormone SHBG (Sex Hormone Binded Globulin). This hormone lowers the free testosterone, which we need to have a libido. As a result, some women have a lower libido.”

Other forms of contraception

There are many different types of pills on the market. If one type of pill does not work for you, there is a chance that you will benefit from another. “The type and dosage of the hormones estrogen and progestogen differs per pill. Not every woman needs the same dose and every woman reacts differently to a certain composition.”

Kerkhof regularly has women in her practice who indicate that they are no longer themselves since they take the pill. “Then I don’t immediately advise against the pill, but I advise you to try a different kind of pill first. I will also look for other factors that can influence your hormone balance. Do you have stress, a different job? Are you eating well?”

“Sometimes women are very down and as soon as they stop taking the pill, it’s over. That can be a signal that the pill is not the right contraceptive for them. I recommend using another form of contraception. That could be a condom, for example. or an IUD. There are two types of IUDs: the copper IUD and the endocrine IUD.”

IUD releases less hormones

An IUD also releases hormones, but a lot less than, for example, the pill and the NuvaRing, which release the same amount of hormones. “An IUD contains a much lower dose of hormones than the pill, because it works differently. An IUD releases local progestin, which ensures that your endometrium remains very thin. This makes implantation difficult and the chance of pregnancy is minimal.”

“The pill works throughout your body, requiring more hormones. The pill also releases estrogen and progestin, the IUD does not do this, it only releases one hormone. Whatever you choose, always be well informed and do what makes you feel good. This is different for everyone.”

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