Home » today » World » The pig network got rid of the Atria dispute: Now the S group is speaking – 2024-04-20 01:12:57

The pig network got rid of the Atria dispute: Now the S group is speaking – 2024-04-20 01:12:57

According to the S group, Atria’s pork fillet disappeared from store shelves at the end of normal negotiations. Atria’s products can still be found in abundance on store shelves.

Stores regularly negotiate contract terms with suppliers. Now the S group and Atria could not reach an agreement on two products. Illustration picture. Joel Maisalmi

A storm in a glass of water. This is how the discussion about the disappearance of Atria’s pork fillets from the shelves of S group stores is perceived in the cooperative municipality.

After Maaseudun Tulevaisuu’s news about the S group’s decision, the comment fields were filled with angry statements. Also a Member of Parliament Markku Siponen (middle) took a stand on the matter.

Director of S Group’s grocery trade Sampo Top saw says that the cooperative has taken into account the media attention the decision received.

– We have read about this in the newspaper sections. This has been interpreted in many ways. In my opinion, it is important to say that we have 76 fresh pork products, and now there has been a discussion about two products, Päällysaho states.

Päällysaho cannot open more detailed negotiations than contract negotiations with an individual supplier.

– Each supplier decides individually what they want to offer and at what price. This decision was a normal activity related to those negotiations. The stores’ selections are not static, Päällysaho says.

From the absence of the product from the shelf, it can therefore be concluded that the S group and Atria did not reach an agreement on the financial terms of the contract in the new contract period.

Päällysaho reminds us that Atria has not disappeared from store shelves anywhere. Even for the pork tenderloin.

– In the summer period that has started, Atria has many of its branded products on the shelves of our stores. The company also offers solutions for the store’s own brands. Atria produces pork tenderloin for us under the Kotimaista brand, Päällysaho says.

Some stores sell

Sampo Päällysaho says that the amount of domestic meat imported is currently lower than in years. Nina Kaverinen / S group

Some cooperatives sell Atria’s pork fillet despite the S group’s decision. According to Päällysaho, this is also suitable for the S group.

– In some stores, the importance of Atria’s pork fillet has been recognized. In such cases, the local operator can fill the selection if necessary. We always try to listen to our customers, Päällyaho says

Citizens have been irritated by the S group’s decision, especially the replacement of Atria’s meat with pork imported from Denmark. According to Päällysaho, the S group still mostly sells domestically produced meat.

– For many years, the amount of imported meat has not been as low as it is at the moment. The degree of domesticity of the meat is currently 95 percent, Päällysaho says.

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