Home » World » The Piana del Sele Bufalini Producers Organization is born

The Piana del Sele Bufalini Producers Organization is born

Enhance an excellent product such as buffalo milk and create a “network” through it “the Union of Excellences”. These are the priorities that led to the establishment of theOrganization of Buffalo Producers of the Sele Plain which unites some of the most significant companies in the Campania region. Thus October 22nd marks a fundamental date for the livestock sector and the farmers of the Piana del Sele. Among the founding members there are notable names in the sector present throughout the Province of Salerno: Beloved Enrico, Carrano Massimo, Cerrato Vincenzo, By Guida Vincenzo, Di Maio Antonio Dirty. Agr. In Ma. Srl, Di Maio Carmine Agricultural Society Di Maio Srl, Phaedo Emmanuel, Garofalo Ylenia Soc. Agr. The Land of Papaleone SS, Jubilee Paola Soc. Agr. Masseria Cilentana S.S., Imbimbo Mauro, Lance Emilio, Lanza Stefano Agricultural Society Grandfather Peppe SS’s Masseria, Maraio Annamaria Agricultural Society Nuova San Cesareo By Antonella and Annamaria Maraio & CSNC, Mennella Orazio Agricultural Society F.lli Mennella SRL, Pierri Maria Gabriella, Russo Carmine, Vernieri Pasquale Soc. Agr. Alta Bufala.

These companies, with a consolidated history and tradition, have chosen to join together to face the challenges of the market in a new way and promote the quality of buffalo milk from the Piana del Sele and the Campania region in a market where globalization reigns supreme . In particular, the collaboration between the farmers of the Sele plain will serve to collectivise the various experiences and resources to better respond to the new commercial scenarios and create synergies in the entire sector.

The Organization is led by Mauro Imbimbo, president, supported by vice Ylenia Garofalo. The board of directors includes key figures such as Maria Gabriella Pierri, Antonio Di Maio and Stefano Lanza, while Pierino Infante plays the role of general manager. Lucio Garofalo is marketing manager and Nicola Celso will take care of the technical-economic aspects.

This structure represents a set of skills and professionalism useful to give the organization the strength to grow to be a valid group that knows how to have a proactive impact on the market, that enhances the buffalo companies and products, focusing primarily on quality and then on improving the commercial aspect. Through appropriate strategies, the Bufalini Producers Organization intends to improve the commercial exchange of milk and evaluate its fair weight on the market, guaranteeing farmers the exact position in the sector, safety and trust in their work. The headquarters, located in viale Eburum in Santa Cecilia, Eboli, will be the fulcrum of activities and strategic decisions, creating a point of reference for operators in the sector.

The birth of the Piana del Sele Buffalo Producers Organization actually represents a greater valorisation of buffalo milk, a symbol of local tradition. With strong leadership and a large network of companies, the organization has all it takes to become a point of reference in the sector and contribute to the economic development of the Piana del Sele and the Campania Region.
This initiative not only supports local farmers, but also promotes the cultural and gastronomic heritage of the region, ensuring a prosperous future for buffalo agriculture.

The OP Bufalini della Piana del Sele, with its precise peculiarity, represents an important example of aggregation aimed at increasing the bargaining power of individual members and, at the same time, notable economies of scale in its production sector. Considering that EC Regulation no. 1308/2013, as well as the previous regulations 1234 of 2007, 1037/2001 and even before that, 2200 of 1996, provides for specific aid schemes exclusively in the sectors of fruit and vegetables, viticulture and olive growing for both oil and table, through the tool of the Operational Programs proposed and implemented by the Ops

«In this context it is not clear how “white gold”, as the production of buffalo milk is conventionally magnified, cannot benefit from the community aid provided for the implementation of Operational Programs which would give significant impetus to a sector which in these days is going through a profound crisis in relations with processing companies that do not respect the stipulated contracts, lowering the agreed prices to a level that does not remunerate the use of the farmers’ production factors. – underline the promoters of the Bufalini Producers Organization – Yet the economy of the sector is impressive, involving numerous farms with thousands of animals raised. The transformed product boasts the DOP Mozzarella di bufala campana brand and contributes significantly to the regional GDP with a turnover of several million euros».

From this brief examination of the economy of the sector it is clear the need for a synergistic commitment of all the institutions involved – Ministry, Regions, local authorities – so that entrepreneurial entities such as the Op Bufalini della Piana del Sele are given the opportunity to undertake the initiatives aimed at obtaining a high quality product, obtained with advanced and sustainable production techniques and which is a distinctive element of a territory which, unique, can boast of a brand that encompasses tradition, vocation and excellent production.

«The need to obtain the inclusion of Operational Plans for the buffalo sector in community legislation is therefore evident, as has been the case for over a quarter of a century for other production sectors. – notes the Bufalini Producers Organization – All the institutions involved must provide this with a concrete and active commitment in favor of a production sector that represents excellence in the economic panorama of the Campania Region and which has ample margins for holding and strengthening on national and foreign markets». As indicated by the founders, the association will promote a request to be forwarded to the Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests, the President of the Agriculture Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, the President of the Campania Region, the Regional Councilor for ‘Agriculture and to the President of the Agriculture Commission of the Region, to make the buffalo sector equal to the other sectors.

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