“The Physics of Love” is the new Prime Time Entertainment program broadcast on Rai 2 in the late evening on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, for six episodes, starting from 16 April. Vincenzo Schettini, a well-known Physics Professor popular on social media, much loved by young people and beyond, aims to illustrate to young people how to courageously face emotional challenges. Through physics experiments, and making use of the testimony of young people who have the courage to talk about a particularly intense moment of theirs, he explains the complex reality of the feelings and emotions that dot our lives (love, friendship, anger, fear, suffering, sexuality, etc.).
Each episode, accompanied by the notes of the young pianist Gabriele Rossiwill be a journey that will touch on multiple themes and will involve guests from the world of music, entertainment but also culture, sport and journalism.
The first episode, broadcast on Tuesday 16 April at 11.30 pm, will be dedicated to balance and will feature guests Big Mama who, after talking about her adolescence, will sing the piece that made her popular at the last Sanremo Festival. They will intervene then Claudio Cecchetto who will tell what a child he was and how he made his dreams come true and Giuseppe Pirozziknown for the role of “Micciarella” in the series “Sea Outside”.
In the second episode, broadcast on Wednesday 17 April at 11.30 pm and dedicated to centrifugal force and vacuum, they will be French Saints (Alessandro de Santis e Mario French) who, after playing with Vincenzo, will perform their Sanremo success. The astronaut will then speak Umberto Guidoni and the karate champion Luigi Busà.
#Physics #Love #begins #Vincenzo #Schettini
– 2024-04-16 17:38:52