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“The photos reveal the most sordid and dark side of the human condition” – in front of Cano

Former President of the Nation Cristina Kirchner spoke out about the scandal of alleged gender violence that Alberto Fernández exercised on his wife Fabiola Yanez: “Misogyny, machismo and hypocrisy have no partisan flag.” She did so through a post on her X account.

Alberto Fernández was not a good president. Neither were Mauricio Macri or Fernando De La Rúa, just to mention those who served in office so far in the 21st century. Surely the list would be longer if we extended the chronology,” begins Cristina Kirchner’s text.

Along those lines, she continues: “But the images we saw last night broadcast by the media in a virtual national chain, in what constitutes a true re-victimization of the complainant, ARE SOMETHING ELSE.”

“The photos of Ms. Fabiola Yañez with bruises on her body and face along with the published chats that reveal the dialogue between her and the former President, not only show the beating received, but also reveal the most sordid and dark aspects of the human condition. They allow us to see, once again and dramatically, the situation of women in any relationship, whether it takes place in a palace or a hut.”

For Cristina Kirchner, “misogyny, machismo and hypocrisy, the pillars on which verbal or physical violence against women is based, have no partisan banner and permeate society at all levels.”

Source: Argentine News

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