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The photos left by the 14F election day

Two hours after the set time but after 11 am today, the 9,139 polling stations installed in the 2,763 polling stations have been constituted on the occasion of the autonomous elections of Catalonia. A balance of 100% confirmed by the Minister of Foreign Action, Institutional Relations and Transparency, Bernat Solé, who has not missed the occasion to thank “everyone for the responsibility and civic commitment” shown.

In total, there are 5,624,044 Catalans called this Sunday to vote to choose the 135 deputies of the Parliament from a total of 69 candidates, in which they will be the most atypical elections to be held in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic.

Several voters queue up to exercise their right to vote at the Colegio Verd de Girona

Pere Duran / Nord Media

The anticovid protocol established by the Generalitat prevents voters from waiting their turn inside the voting centers, for this reason, there are many who must wait in the street in long queues.

The long lines are one of the images of the day like this one that has been formed in an electoral college in Sant Cugat

The long lines are one of the images of the day like this one that has been formed in an electoral college in Sant Cugat

Pedro Madueño

To minimize the risk of contagion, the Government has established three recommended -not compulsory- time slots to go to vote: from 9.00 to 12.00 for risk groups; from 12.00 to 19.00 voters who are not at risk or are in quarantine, and from 19.00 to 20.00 those infected, close and suspicious contacts, who will have permission to bypass confinement carrying a certificate of displacement.

Voters in the time slot reserved for seniors at the Verd School in Girona

Voters in the time slot reserved for seniors

Nord Media / Pere Duran

In the last time slot the members of the polling stations will use personal protective equipment (PPE), while in the rest of the time slots they will be provided with gloves, masks and goggles and protective clothing.

GRAF7251.  BARCELONA, 02/14/2021.- A woman cleans a ballot box at the electoral college located in Mercat del Ninot in Barcelona this Sunday when the regional elections are held.  EFE / Toni Albir

Setting up tables at the Mercat del Ninot in Barcelona

Toni Albir / EFE

Within the polling stations, one-way circuits have been established to avoid the crossing of people, only the person who has to vote can access the voting center, unless they need assistance, and the access and exit points will be independent , which will be duly signposted.

Voting in the Sant Antoni market in Barcelona

Voting in the Sant Antoni market in Barcelona

Ana Jimenez

In addition, outdoor or street spaces have been set up to minimize the number of people inside the polling stations, which will probably cause more queues than usual to go to vote.

Voting in the Sant Antoni market in Barcelona

Accesses to the Sant Antoni market in Barcelona

Ana Jimenez

The protocol approved by the Generalitat establishes that constant ventilation and a distance of two meters between election months and 1.5 meters between polling station members, between voters, and between polling stations and voters must be guaranteed in the voting centers. , and there will be health security managers to ensure compliance with the measures.

GRAF7249.  BARCELONA, 02/14/2021.- A woman cleans the voting booth at the Barcelona Center for Contemporary Culture this Sunday, the day that Catalonia holds new elections to the Parliament, marked by the covid pandemic and political fragmentation , with up to nine candidates with the possibility of obtaining representation and without a clear favorite to win the victory EFE / Marta Pérez

Each center has heads of health security

Marta Perez / EFE

Five Femen activists protested this Sunday at noon against the Vox candidate for the Catalan elections, Ignacio Garriga, upon his arrival at his electoral college in Barcelona.

SENSITIVE MATERIAL. THIS IMAGE MAY OFFEND OR DISTURB Mossos d'Esquadra police officers detain Femen activists demonstrating against candidate of far-right party Vox's Ignacio Garriga, outside the polling station where he should vote, during regional elections in Catalonia, amid the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in Barcelona, Spain, February 14, 2021. REUTERS/Albert Gea

Femen has tried to boycott the vote of the Vox candidate

ALBERT GEA / Reuters

The women, bare-chested, have chanted slogans such as ‘It’s not patriotism, it’s fascism’ and ‘Voto a Garriga, foto fascista’ although they have finally ended up being reduced by the Mossos d’Esquadra.

Femen activists with their bare chests reading

Agents have blocked activists’ access to the electoral college


A total of 14,200 agents of the Mossos d’Esquadra and local police control security during election day. It is the largest device ever organized for an election, so that for the first time there will be a binomial of agents all day in each school.

Open plan of the Center for Operational Coordination of Catalonia (CECAT) during the start of the election day on 14-F, February 14, 2021 (Horizontal).

Image of the Center for Operational Coordination of Catalonia

Jordi Bataller / ACN

22.59% of the Catalans called to the polls this Sunday have voted until 1:00 p.m., which is 12 points less than in the first advance of participation in the Catalan elections of December 21, 2017, when at the same time 34.69% of the census had voted.

GRAF7459.  IGUALADA (BARCELONA), 02/14/2021.- A Mossos d'Esquadra helps a woman in a wheelchair to enter the Center Cívic Nord electoral college during the strip for vulnerable people in Igualada, Barcelona this Sunday during the regional elections .  EFE / Susanna Sáez

A mosso d’Esquadra helps a woman in a wheelchair to enter the Center Cívic Nord electoral college

Susanna Sáez / EFE

Not even the politicians have been spared from prevention measures. This is the case of the PSC candidate and former Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, who has undergone temperature control before entering the electoral college.

GRAF7433.  LA ROCA DEL VALLÉS (BARCELONA), 02/14/2021.- The PSC candidate for the presidency of the Generalitat, Salvador Illa, undergoes a temperature control, moments before exercising his right to vote at the Cultural Center La Roca del Vallés this Sunday during the regional elections.  EFE / Andreu Dalmau

Illa has voted at the La Roca del Vallés Cultural Center

Andreu Dalmau / EFE

Voting by mail has reached the highest figure since the first regional elections of 1980, with more than 265,000 votes cast by this system, which also represents an increase of 277% compared to the 2017 elections.

GRAF7383.  TARRAGONA, 02/14/2021.- A postal worker arrives with the votes by mail at the Sant Pere Sant Pau pavilion in Tarragona this Sunday during the regional elections.  EFE / Alejandro García

A postal worker arrives with the votes at the Sant Pere Sant Pau pavilion in Tarragona

Alejandro García / EFE

The electoral boards have received a total of 34,000 allegations from people who refused to be part of the polling stations in Catalonia, of which some 22,000 have been accepted.

People line up and cast their votes at a polling station set up at the Tarraco Arena Plaza, a former renamed Tarragona Bullring, during regional Catalan election in Tarragona, Spain, Sunday, Feb. 14, 2021. Over five million voters are called to the polls on Sunday in Spain's northeast Catalonia for an election that will measure the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the restive region's secessionist movement. (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti)

The Generalitat has set up tables in the Tarragona bullring, where there have hardly been any queues

Emilio Morenatti / AP

The members of each polling station, who have been offered an antigen test, have had their temperature taken, which should be below 37.5 degrees. In addition, they have been provided with four masks for renewal throughout the day, 1 face shield, 1 FFP2 mask and single-use gloves for the time of the count, as well as enough hydroalcoholic gel for frequent use throughout the day. .

A health worker attaches a face shield to an electoral official at a polling station in Barcelona, Spain, on Sunday, Feb. 14, 2021. Catalans head into a regional election with polls showing a three-way tie between his Esquerra Republicana party, Puigdemont#{emoji}146;s more radical group and Sanchez#{emoji}146;s Socialists. Photographer: Angel Garcia/Bloomberg

Inside the polling stations, constant ventilation has been guaranteed

Angel Garcia / Bloomberg

At 7:00 p.m., the members of the polling stations have donned the EPI suits to give way to the voting strip for people infected with or suspected of being infected with covid.

The members of the polls put on the PPE when they start to vote infected

The members of the polls put on the PPE when they start to vote infected


The members of the polls put on the PPE when they start to vote infected

The members of the polls put on the PPE when they start to vote infected


EPI Catalan elections

EPI Catalan elections

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