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The Peruvian food that reduces high blood cholesterol levels

That food is the best ally of a health strong there is no doubt. This is something that has been spreading for many years by specialists, organizations, governments and institutions related to health. The focus is mainly on products of natural origin and the nutrients they provide to the body.

Yacón against cholesterol. Source: Freepik

The Spanish Society of Cardiology warns that the increase in plasma cholesterol concentrations above normal levels keeps a large part of society concerned. This is just one of the big problems that are closely related to the feeding.

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The Hospital Clínic of Barcelona (Spain) indicates that high cholesterol or hypercholesterolemia It is an elevation of blood cholesterol levels above the range of values ​​that is considered “ideal” or “optimal.” He also warns that this situation increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Yacón against cholesterol. Source: Freepik

Regarding the causes of hypercholesterolemia, the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine highlights that in many cases it is a genetic, hereditary problem, but in other cases it is due to a feeding rich in fat, if you gain weight or if you do little physical exercise. In addition, he points out that there are specific genetic diseases that produce very high cholesterol levels, such as familial hypercholesterolemia and familial combined hyperlipidemia.

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Knowing that you can face the hypercholesterolemia Through food, there is a Peruvian food with great properties to take care of our health. This is yacón, a tuber that grows in the Andes Mountains and is rich in carbohydrates, insulin, fructoligosaccharides (healthy fibers) and phenolic compounds, according to the Institute of Productive Development of Tucumán (Argentina).

Yacón is very easy to add to our feeding Since, in addition to getting it in its natural state to prepare it in meals, it is available in the form of powder, extracts, honey, syrup, capsules, juice, flour and syrup. Regarding its relationship with cholesterol reduction, it is its leaves that help control it due to its content of fructooligosaccharides, a soluble fiber that is not digested in the intestine.

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