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The Perseid shooting star show has taken place

The Perseids’ meteor shower brought out many photographers from all over the world who managed to immortalize the passage of a few meteors.

In the night from Wednesday to Thursday, took place the traditional rain of the shooting stars of the Perseids. It was the peak of activity, the best time to see meteors shining in the sky. At the same time every year, small particles of comet Swift-Tuttle cross Earth’s orbit. On entering our world, they knock on molecules in the atmosphere. This shock, extremely violent, produces light. Each debris then turns into a “shooting star”.

The phenomenon was observable all over the world. Bad luck for the French. The stormy sky must have disturbed a good number of amateur astronomers. But you still have a chance. The Perseid rain ends on August 24. And the night of Thursday to Friday should also offer its share of shooting stars, the peak of activity having just passed.

To read :Thunderstorms and torrential rains in France, the most beautiful photos of Internet users

To do this, it will be necessary to target the surroundings of the constellation of Perseus, from which the Perseids take their name. It is easily identifiable with a sky map. If you don’t have it on hand, grab your smartphone. There are now mobile applications (Star Walk 2, Carte du Ciel, SkyView Lite, Night Sky…) which use geolocation coupled with augmented reality capable of calculating in real time the location of constellations and stars visible from Earth. You just need to point your device at the sky to see celestial objects appear. Not too long, so as not to interfere with your night vision!

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