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The Perseid meteor shower starts tonight: The place to see outer space | science

The highlight of most meteorite hunters and sky watchers each year, the Perseid meteor shower features an increasing amount of visible and desirable rock over several weeks during the summer. The annual rains will start tonight – read on for the best way to view space phenomena.

Characterized by small, rocky or metallic bodies, meteorites are much smaller than asteroids and range in size from tiny grains to bodies up to one meter wide.

However, the Perseid meteor shower is known to be colorful and displays equally bright, albeit very special, light trails, accounting for up to 100 boulders per hour, although you can usually see around 50.

What is the Perseid meteor shower?

The Perseid meteor shower has been observed for more than 2,000 years and occurs when Earth passes through the orbit of Comet Swift Tuttle.

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When comets orbit near the sun, they heat up, causing their parts to separate.

The Royal Museum of Greenwich (RMG) says that if debris (a meteorite) fell on Earth’s path around the sun, it could infiltrate our atmosphere at a speed of seven to 45 miles per second.

However, the exact speed at which the meteorite enters the atmosphere will depend on the combined velocity of the Earth and the debris itself.

RMG said: “The average speed of the Perseid meteor is 36 miles per second, and the air in front of the meteor is crushed and heated to thousands of degrees Celsius.

And he continued, “Smaller meteorites evaporate and leave a trail of bright light,” while “larger meteorites can explode in the form of fireballs.”

If cloudy and rainy conditions are expected in your area, you can travel to a new location where the weather is scheduled to be brighter, or go out on a different day. Rain will continue for the next few weeks.

Another tip is to try to reduce the amount of light pollution in your field of vision.

Head to the countryside, parks, or other expanses for better views. The Royal Museums Greenwich suggests doing something as simple as turning your back to a street light to watch if you can’t travel.

RMG said: “Give your eyes at least 15 minutes to adapt to the darkness so you can catch more faint meteors – that means you shouldn’t be looking at your phone!

“Meteorites can appear anywhere in the sky, so the more you see the sky, the better.”

Try to find an area away from trees and buildings and a clearer view of the skyline – but don’t worry about bringing binoculars and a telescope. This will limit the amount of sky you can see.

Go out when the skies are darkest and for meteor shots in particular, any time between midnight and early morning is the best time to do so.

However, with the Perseid, it can also be seen in the afternoon, just as the sun is setting as it shines over the horizon.

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