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The perpetrator who killed a couple in PALI was arrested, admitted that he was hurt by not being given rambutan

Diding Apriyanto (sitting in a wheelchair) was presented at a press conference at the PALI Police regarding the murder of a married couple. Photo : EBI/ENIMEKSPRES.CO.ID

Don’t Regret Killing, Intention to Burn Victim’s House

ENIMEKSPRES.CO.ID, PALI – No regrets and claim to be satisfied. That’s what Diding Apriyanto (27), the perpetrator said murder Sadistic husband and wife (couple) Marsidi (80) and Sumini (65), after he was arrested by the joint team Satreskrim Polres PALI and Polsek Talang Ubi.

The man who lives in Talang Mutung, RT 08/06, Talang Ubi Barat Village, Talang Ubi District, PALI Regency, was arrested on Tuesday (4/1/2022) around 21.00 WIB, on Jalan Madu Kincing Village, North Penukal District, Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir Regency (PALI).

When arrested, the perpetrator would flee in a travel car to Sekayu City, Musi Banyuasin (Muba) Regency, after hiding in a resident’s plantation in the North Penukal District.

Officers who knew the information, immediately moved quickly to chase the car and confronted it. The perpetrator who was in the car was unable to move anymore, after dozens of officers surrounded the travel car.

However, when the officers brought the perpetrator to the PALI Police Headquarters, the perpetrator actually gave resistance to escape, so the officers were forced to immobilize him with three bullets lodged in his right thigh and two bullets lodged in his left calf.

Also read: Couple found dead covered in blood in the living room, suspected of being a robbery victim

The perpetrator, Diding, admitted that the murder took place on Saturday (1/1/2022) around 21.00 WIB, because he was hurt by the victim, who did not allow him to take the rambutan fruit in his yard. So he intends to kill the victim.

I am hurt. Because I was not given a rambutan fruit. In addition, dio (victim) cheated on my wong tuo. From there I planned to kill the victim. By entering your house by prying open the plank of your house and I kill it with an ax that I found in the house, while the victim was sleeping., said the perpetrator.

He explained that the first time he slashed the victim, Sumini, was in the bedroom sleeping. Then, Marsidi’s victim, who knew about it, was also the target of the perpetrators until both of them died covered in blood.

After the victim died, I immediately dragged the two victims from the room to the living room, and I put them close together. Then I randomize the contents in the house,” added the perpetrator.

To eliminate traces, he also plans to burn the house and the two victims who have died in the house. However, he did not find any matches in the victim’s house.

So I wrapped the victim’s television and gas cylinder with cloth. It was as if there had been a robbery. I don’t regret I feel satisfied” said this unemployed man.

Also read: Sadistic Murder in PALI, Police Chief: More than One Perpetrator

He said that when the incident took place, the grandson of the victim, Salman, had come home and called the two victims. There was no answer and the house was locked, so the grandson returned to the durian garden and spent the night.

Had ado who came, namely the victim’s grandson and called and knocked on the door. But because there was no answer, so he left. But if he enters the house, I’ll kill him too,” he added.

Meanwhile, the PALI Police Chief, AKBP Rizal Agus Triyadi said, to reveal this case in depth, because the suspect was very sadistic in killing the victim, and the perpetrator’s alibi made the action seem like a robbery.

“So, the motive for this perpetrator is to prevent it from being known that it was premeditated murder. The perpetrator also planned to burn down the victim’s house, but the perpetrator did not find a match. So the perpetrators pretended to take the victim’s television and LPG gas cylinders,” he explained.

For that, the perpetrators will be charged with Article 340 of the Criminal Code regarding premeditated murder. The threat is life imprisonment. “Obviously, the perpetrator took revenge against the victim, because the victim was not allowed to take the rambutan fruit, so he planned to commit a murder,” said the Police Chief. (ebi / mg01)

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