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The permanent university presents its program

The Retz discovery association, a support account for the Machecoulaise branch of the permanent university of Nantes, with its 265 members, will keep its general meeting, Friday September 13, at 2:30 pm at Cinémachecoul in Machecoul-Saint-Meme (Loire-Atlantique).

This will be followed by a conference with Michel Fleury: Equatorial Africa from 1890 to 1946. Open to all, regardless of age, it builds and nurtures the enjoyment of continuing to learn by strengthening the bonds between the “students” specifies Jeanine Thiec, president of the Machecoulaise branch.

Conferences and cultural tours will be offered during this 2024.2 025 season. “Membership is €25, it comes with a student card and allows you to attend the conferences of UP Nantes or its branches, explains Françoise Audéon, the treasurer, and entitles you to discounts in cinemas and museums. »

Eight conferences are scheduled: the first one in October will discuss the slave trade in Nantes and the trade involved, before revealing the mystery of Hieronymus Bosch. In 2025, we will be with Bruno Parmentier. Finally, we meet those women who lived through the Great War of 1914.

The partnership with Cinémachecoul makes it possible to welcome almost 200 listeners to the various conferences.

The association also offers cultural tours: Pornic with a visit to the castle and semaphore Préfailles, in October, and another planned trip to Portugal in June.

Friday September 13, at 2:30 pm, general meeting at Cinémachecoul, Machecoul-Saint-Meme. Get in touch. 06 82 34 44 47; [email protected]. register online.

2024-08-29 21:41:28
#permanent #university #presents #program

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