Home » today » Entertainment » The performance of Senkov’s horror fairy tale “GRIMMI” will have its premiere at Liepāja Theater / Article

The performance of Senkov’s horror fairy tale “GRIMMI” will have its premiere at Liepāja Theater / Article

Zanda Borg on Senkov’s production “Grimm”

“Elmārs Seņkovs has returned to the Liepāja Theater, this time offering the audience a horror fairy tale production” GRIMMI “. And now I can say that this is the second performance of the intended trilogy, “says literary adviser Zanda Borga about the production at the Liepāja Theater. “For those who liked Shakespeare, Grimm will be a sweet dish – a really brave production and I can safely say that no one has seen such Grimm on stage yet – it will be a real cocktail of Grimm fairy tales and, as the director says,” Fairy tales end happily, but the middle part will have to go through themselves “.”

Actors Inese Kučinska, Egons Dombrovskis, Edgars Pujāts, Viktors Ellers, Agnese Jēkabsone, Rolands Beķeris, Ilze Trukšāne, Madara Kalna, Hugo Puriņš, Kārlis Ērglis, Kintija Stūre, Madara Vilčuka, Valts Skuja are participating in the performance.

Together with the director, his usual team – assistant Matīss Budovskis, composer Edgars Mākens, artist Reinis Suhanovs, has created an apocalyptic stage design that is especially suitable for fairy tales. He is assisted by Līga Zepa; Mārtiņš Feldmanis will create the light score.

This season’s show can also be watched on April 24, as well as on the 13th, 14th. and May 28th.

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