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“The Perfect Boss”: Wonderfully Clever and Malicious Comedy | NDR.de – Culture

Status: 07/25/2022 00:00

With 20 nominations for the “Goya” “The Perfect Chef” was able to set a new record. Javier Bardem embodies the owner of an industrial car manufacturer, where things get out of balance.

by Bettina Peulecke

Julio is a boss as written in books: competent, responsible and caring – always concerned about the well-being of everyone, the father figure of the family business.

We really have every reason to celebrate, because with your help we were able to grow again this year. Thanks go to marketing, logistics and of course research and development. However, we would not be where we are today without the always reliable services of our production department.

He’s a respected and influential man whose next goal is to win another award for excellence in corporate governance. The certificate is to be hung on the living room wall alongside numerous others; the spotlight for the appropriate lighting is already installed.

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PREVIEW: Trailer: “The Perfect Boss” (2 Min)

“The perfect boss” only wants the best

But now, of all times, Julio’s life in the company, as well as in his private life, gets out of balance. An employee who has just been fired sets up a protest camp in front of the company gates, for everyone to see and hear. That doesn’t make a good impression and after three days Julio is fed up with the faxes, the boss has his chauffeur stopped.

Julio: What can I do? Tell me to make you leave.
Employee: I called you 20 times. 20 times! You could have answered the phone, that’s over now.
Julio: How much do you want? Tell me.
Employee: I don’t want anything. I don’t want their money, I don’t want the job, I don’t want anything anymore.

Somehow the tried and tested methods no longer work. Miralles, one of the oldest and most reliable employees, is also increasingly making mistakes. The purchasing manager is sometimes choleric, sometimes depressed, his wife wants to leave him. The caring boss wants to help and brushes him off.

Javier Bardem in absolute top form

The thing about the intern: Sonia Almarcha and Almudena Amor in a scene from the film “The Perfect Boss”.

In addition, Julio also starts an affair with the new intern, who turns out to be the daughter of an old family friend, which doesn’t make things any easier, and Julio feels increasingly overwhelmed. Accordingly, the patriarch, who only ever wants the best for everyone, mutates into a malicious person who increasingly uses dubious methods to restore the old status quo.

Where there is planing, there are shavings – and not too scarce. The satirical comedy “The Perfect Boss” shows a charismatic Javier Bardem in absolute top form and convinces with clever, biting and at times wonderfully malicious humor.

Further information

The second half of the year offers mystery with Harry Styles, a comedy with George Clooney and Julia Roberts and a drama about Sissi. more

The Icelandic director on macho clichés in police films, juggling two jobs and his film “Cop Secret”. more

“The Perfect Boss”

comedy | drama
Production year:
Country of manufacture:
Additional info:
Mit Javier Bardem, Manolo Solo, Almudena Amor ua
Fernando Leon de Aranoa
120 minutes
from 12 years
Theatrical release:
July 28, 2022

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NDR Info | culture | 07/25/2022 | 7:55 a.m

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