Do you want to heat the entire house and every room thoroughly? You must use this device: you will save a lot of money on your bill!
With the arrival of winter, or in any case of the cold season, different heating sources begin to be present in every home. We start from the fireplace (for those who own one) which constitutes a single source of heating, we move on to the pellet stove or radiators, and then end with the gas stoves or electric heaters.
The perfect and economical device for heating your
But did you know that in reality there is only one method to heat the entire house, without suffering significant damage to the bill? Let’s see it together! With this device every room will be very hot in no time.
Heat the house this way: it will be a success!
Heating your home impeccably and also being able to save on your bill is what many Italians have been trying to do since the day we were told about the increase in bills. The latter has brought a lot of discouragement to the lives of Italians, who have tried, in every way, to eliminate the ‘superfluous’ and turn on the heating only at truly ‘necessary’ moments so as not to die of cold.
Luckily we can say that this excessive saving can be avoided. How? With the use of a device that we all have at home and which, mistakenly, we only use in summer: the air conditioner.
How to save on your bill by using air
Many people do not use air conditioning in winter, claiming that it can have a significant impact on their bill, but in reality this is not the case. According to what has been stated and demonstrated, in reality using the air conditioner, rather than new devices to heat the environment, means that the house can be heated in a short time and save up to 57% on your home bill.
All this has been demonstrated by experts from the Polytechnic of Milan, who have demonstrated that the energy used to activate the heat pump (which heats the environment) it is far lower than that used by a gas boiler.
Moti also adds that the ‘refusal’ to turn on the air conditioner in one’s home is also due to poor air quality. In fact, many people think that the air may appear rarefied, but this is not the case. By following some tips it will improve a lot. The latter are:
- set the temperature at 23°
- Always clean the air conditioner filters before turning it back on
- set the night mode, so as not to have the air jets aimed at you
- activate the vertical and horizontal oscillation of the air conditioner fins
Now that you know these tips, we are sure that you will try them and realize incredible savings on your bill!
2024-02-11 08:30:27
#device #heat #room #save #money #home #wasted #knowing #Abruzzo #Cityrumors