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The People’s Brand Award announced the start of the popular vote | Career and business | Society

July 15 Consumer Appreciation Award “People’s Mark” once again opened a new season of the annual consumer voting in the media on a wide range of consumer goods and services to determine the leading brands in Belarus in terms of consumer knowledge and preferences.

Over the years, the logo and corporate attributes of the award have gained wide recognition throughout Belarus, including due to the presence of the award symbols on packages and in advertising communications of the leading brands of our country, and the awards of the award are a prestigious symbol of people’s love and trust for enterprises producing goods and services. consumers: there is no professional jury in the People’s Brand Award, and only consumers decide which brands can claim the high status of popular recognition.

The summing up of the award is monitored by the Supervisory Board, which is represented by experts in the field of marketing and communications, the Belarusian Society for Consumer Protection, the media, representatives of other organizations and departments that are not participants in the award.

This year, the popular vote will last until August 30. The questionnaires were published in the national and regional press, Internet resources and on the official website of the Prize and include more than two hundred nominations of goods and services of mass demand without prompts and answer options: consumers must independently enter one brand name for each nomination by answering only one question : “What brand do you consider the best in its category, which you trust and are ready to recommend?” The results of such a survey make it possible to determine spontaneous brand awareness and current consumer preferences, in addition, they are an important marketing tool for enterprises that seek to develop the competitiveness of their brands and increase consumer loyalty.

Residents of Belarus aged 18+ who want to support their favorite producers of goods and services can take part in the voting. Traditionally, every year, voting participants have the opportunity to receive prizes from the organizers of the award for their activity, indifference to the brand’s desire to become better. This year is no exception: on September 12, at the meeting of the Supervisory Board of the award, the lucky ones from among all consumers who fill out the questionnaires in accordance with the rules of the award and who will have the opportunity to become the owner of one of the 20 gold and 5 platinum bars – the prize fund of the award will be determined.

You can fill out the questionnaires for the People’s Brand Award and support your favorite manufacturers on the official website of the award in the section “popular vote” and enter in the empty boxes next to the product nominations the names of the brands and manufacturers that you prefer, regardless of the geography of origin.

It is noteworthy that for many years, according to consumers, in most nominations of the People’s Brand Award, goods and services produced in Belarus have been leading. Buyers are happy to vote in support of domestic manufacturers, thereby demonstrating trust and love for their products.

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