Home » today » Sport » The people of Olomouc have already celebrated their win in the preliminary round, and in the end Vítkovice is rejoicing after the coaching challenge

The people of Olomouc have already celebrated their win in the preliminary round, and in the end Vítkovice is rejoicing after the coaching challenge

In the first preliminary round of the playoff extra league, Ondruška equalized in the last minute to 3: 3 and in overtime she even rejoiced in turning to 4: 3, she did not record the first win in the series. After a coaching challenge, the video referee gave the right to Vítkovice, whose winning goal he scored in Kalus.

The hockey players of Vítkovice entered the pre-round playoff series against Olomouc with a 4: 3 overtime victory. Marek Kalus scored the decisive goal in the 73rd minute. The home team were already close to winning thanks to two goals by Jan Hruška, but the guests compared in power play thanks to Jiří Ondrušek. The second match will be played on Saturday again in Ostrava from 5 pm.

The guests entered the match better and in the second minute their renumbering smelled with a goal, which, however, averted Stezek’s intervention after Klimek’s shot. The Olomouc team immediately had a five-on-three overtime overtime, Tomeček got to the rebounded puck at the goal area, but his shot in front of the goal line was blocked by one of Vítkovice’s defenders.

Vítkovice spent the initial ten minutes on a slight defensive, but then they woke up and the end of the first part belonged to them. In the 17th minute, Hruška converted the increased domestic activity into the leading goal, who knocked Kovář’s bounced shot from the back guard into the net from an angle.

During the first part of Olomouc, the injured Olesz dropped out of the game and in the second part she pulled for a shorter end for a long time. She survived Kalus’ big chance, but in the 35th minute, after Polák’s attempt from the blue line, a gentle Lindberg scored in a power play in front of Konrád.

However, the Hanáks managed to erase the two-goal loss within three minutes and returned the badly started match to a balanced position. First, Kolouch prevailed after an inconspicuous action, whose swing from behind the defender fell behind Stezek’s back. And in the time of 39:50, Krejčí took office, when Škůrk’s throw flowed under the upper pole at the goal post.

In the third part, the match resembled a chess game, but the final three minutes of regular time were worth it. Bambula’s goal shot was caught by Stezka, after which the guests failed and the break after Lakatoš’s ideal pass ended in Hruška in the time of 58:39.

But they haven’t won the home team yet. Immediately after throwing the puck into the auditorium, Krenželok went for Katr and Ondrušek used the Olomouc power play after five seconds with a bomb from the blue line. At that time, only 45 seconds were missing.

However, the dramatic moments were not over. With 65 minutes played, Bambula nearly put the visitors another one up as he broke through in the middle and fired from just outside the box, but his shot passed just over the bar.

The decision was made in the 73rd minute: Lindberg’s throw flowed into the net from the Kalus goal area.

Pilsen twice overtook Boleslav

The hockey players of Pilsen defeated Mladá Boleslav 3: 2 in overtime in the opening match of the preliminary round of the playoffs of the extra league. Although the guests led twice in the west of Bohemia, the home team managed to equalize each time and in the 70th minute the defender Peter Čerešňák decided. The series, played for three victories, continues on Saturday with another match in Pilsen, and will be played from 3 p.m.

The home team entered the match lukewarmly and the more dangerous guests threatened Najman with an inaccurate shot in the second minute after renumbering two to one. Shortly after Kaňák’s hesitation, goalkeeper Pavlát stopped the chance of the Ex-Pilsen Kantner. In the 10th minute, with the exclusion of Dzierkalse, he scored after a repeated shot from the immediate vicinity of Stránský.

The Indians then woke up and Graňák could quickly answer, but he did not shoot from the good position of Krošelje during the renumbering, and the Slovenian goalkeeper immediately managed to deal with Suchý’s uncovered shot from the left circle. Skaters subsequently managed to prevent the weakening, but still collected until the break. In the 18th minute, Krošelje Lang surprised with a happy shot from the right corner.

From the beginning of the middle part, the game was played at a higher pace, and Suchý reacted to the attitude of the visiting Fořt after embracing the goal from a counterattack by penetrating into a chance. Only in the 27th minute did Pavlát send Lunter’s shot only to Kelemen, who arrived comfortably. Only 28 seconds later, however, Graňák equalized to 2: 2 without preparing from the blue line.

The encouraging homeowners subsequently squandered the numerical advantage when, after it ended, Thorell did not overthrow the lying Croissant at the greatest opportunity. The end of the second period belonged to the Skaters, but the swift shot of Lunter from the intermediate ring was pushed out by Pavlát. In the 39th minute, Kaňák decided with a foul escaping Šťastný and he fired right next to him.

The third period took place cautiously on both sides, with an emphasis on the defense. The excitement came in the 49th minute only by the exclusion of the Eplle from Pilsen, during which Bulíř missed the goal in a good position and Blomstrand’s blow from the left circle was stopped by the upper post. More active domestic workers did not develop a more serious opportunity and had to prolong themselves.

At the beginning of the extension, Pavlát covered the attempt of escaping Najman, then the guests fought back. The illegal intervention of Mertl in the 67th minute helped them to endanger the goal of the home team, when Stránský only hit Pavlát from the area between the rings without preparation. It hit only on the other side, when in the 70th minute, after Přikryla’s call, the approaching Čerešňák decided up close.

Pardubice managed the first match

The players of Pardubice won over Karlovy Vary 3: 2. Dynamo led by two goals, but Energie managed to equalize in the middle of the match. Then the forward David Cienciala reacted quickly, scoring the winning goal of the first duel of the series in the 34th minute. The second match will take place again on Saturday in eastern Bohemia, starting at 7 p.m.

Liberec defeated the Comet

The hockey players of Liberec also entered the preliminary round when they defeated Brno 4: 3 at home. Although Kometa managed to turn the score from 0: 2 to 3: 2 in the second period, the home team equalized and in the 38th minute Adam Najman decided their victory in the power play. Liberec thus defeated the Comet at home for the first time this season. The series, played for three wins, continues again in the north of Bohemia on Saturday. The match will start at 5 p.m.

Preliminary round of the hockey extra league play – 1st match:

HC Vitkovice Ridera – HC Olomouc 4: 3 (1: 0, 1: 2, 1: 1 – 1: 0)

Goals and recordings: 17. J. Hruška (L. Kovář, Koch), 35. Lindberg (R. Polák, Pedan), 59. J. Hruška (Lakatoš, L. Krenželok), 73. M. Kalus (Lindberg) – 38. Kolouch ( Ondrušek, V. Burian), 40. Krejčí (Škůrek), 60. Ondrušek (Krejčí, J. Knotek). Judges: Hejduk, Micka – Brejcha, Ondráček. Exclusion: 5: 3, in addition Lakatos 5 min. – Klimek 5 min. and until the end of the match. Utilization: 1: 1. Attendance: 6005. Series status: 1: 0.

Vítkovice: Trail – R. Polák, Solovjov, Gewiese, Pedan, L. Kovář, Koch – Illéš, Bitten, Dej – Lakatoš, J. Hruška, L. Krenželok – M. Kalus, Lindberg. R. Bondra – Fridrich, Chlán, Guman. Coach: Holaň.

Olomouc: Konrád – T. Černý, Ondrušek, Dujsík, Švrček, Škůrek, Řezníček – Nahodil, Krejčí, J. Káňa II – Bambula, J. Knotek, Klimek – Navrátil, Kolouch, Olesz (21. V. Burian) – V. Tomeček, Kusko, Kunc. Coaches: Tomajko and Moták.

HC Skoda Plzen – BK Mlada Boleslav 3: 2 in overtime. (1: 1, 1: 1, 0: 0 – 1: 0)

Goals and recordings: 18. M. Lang (Dzierkals), 27. Graňák (Schleiss), 70. Čerešňák (F. Přikryl, L. Kaňák) – 10. J. Stránský (O. Najman, Pláněk), 27. Kelemen (Lunter). Judges: Šír, Lacina – Zíka, Šimánek. Exclusion: 3: 3. Utilization: 0: 1. Attendance: 3379. Status of the series: 1: 0.

Pilsen: Pavlát – Čerešňák, L. Kaňák, Graňák, Kremláček, Budík, Kvasnička – Dzierkals, Mertl, M. Lang – F. Přikryl, Bulíř, Blomstrand – Schleiss, Kodýtek, F. Suchý – Adamec, G. Thorell, Malát. Coaches: Baďouček and M. Říha ml.

Mlada Boleslav: Krošelj – Ševc, D. Moravec, Pláněk, Jánošík, Fillman, Lintuniemi – J. Stránský, Bičevskis, Eberle – D. Šťastný, Kotala, Kantner – P. Kousal, O. Najman, Flynn – Kelemen, Fořt, Lunter. Coach: R. Rulík.

HC Dynamo Pardubice – HC Energie Karlovy Vary 3: 2 (1: 0, 2: 2, 0: 0)

Goals and recordings: 8. O. Rohlík (Koffer, Anděl), 27. Anděl (Košťálek, O. Rohlík), 34. Cienciala (Košťálek, Říčka) – 30. O. Beránek (Vondráček, Kulich), 33. Černoch. Judges: Jeřábek, Pražák – Lhotský, J. Svoboda. Exclusion: 4: 4. Utilization: 0: 1. Attendance: 7658. Series status: 1: 0.

Pardubice: Frodl – J. Zdráhal, J. Mikuš, Košťálek, Vála, Hrádek, J. Kolář, Petgrave – A. Musil, Poulíček, Camara – Cienciala, R. Kousal, Říčka – O. Rohlík, Anděl, Koffer – Matýs, T. Urban, Paulovich. Coach: R. Král.

Carlsbad: Lukeš – Plutnar, M. Rohan, Parkkonen, T. Havlín, Pulpán, Weinhold – Flek, Hladonik, T. Rachůnek – Vondráček, Kulich, O. Beránek – Kohout, Černoch, Koblasa – Průžek, Jiskra, Osmík. Coach: Walk.

White Tigers Liberec – HC Kometa Brno 4: 3 (2: 0, 2: 3, 0: 0)

Goals and recordings: 6. Kolmann (J. Vlach, P. Jelínek), 15. Rosandič (Klepiš, Melancon), 31. P. Jelínek (Šmíd, Melancon), 38. A. Najman (Rosandič, Šmíd) – 24. Mueller (Kollár) , 26. Horký, 29. P. Holík (Mueller, A. Zbořil). Judges: Mrkva, Obadal – Hynek, Klouček. Penalty: 2: 6. Utilization: 1: 1. Weakening: 1: 1, Attendance: 4199. Series status: 1: 0.

Liberec: Kváča – Ivan, Šmíd, Melancon, Rosandič, Kolmann, Derner – Klapka, P. Jelínek, J. Vlach – Faško-Rudáš, Gríger, Birner – Zachar, Klepiš, Ordoš – A. Najman, Šír, Rychlovský. Coach: Augusta.

Brno: Čiliak – Ďaloga, Bartejs, Holland, Kučeřík, L. Doudera, Tansey – Mueller, P. Holík, Zaťovič – Horký, Krištof, Vincour – Šoustal, A. Zbořil, Šik – Rákos, Kollár, Dočekal. Coaches: Zábranský and Kalous.

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