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The hunger of the pelican

Blanca Cabins

The hunger of the pelican

Blanca Cabins

Publisher: Suma de Letras, 2024

Binding: Softcover

Pages: 360


This is what the publisher tells us about the author:

Blanca Cabins (Chiclana, Cádiz, 1991) She is a special education teacher and pedagogue, she completed her training with a master’s degree in Special Educational Needs and Early Care. She has dreamed of being a writer since she can remember. In 2018, his work Katchi was awarded Best Short Story at the III Dos Hermanas Dipuesta Literary Contest. In 2019, he won second prize for Best Short Novel at the XXIX Calamonte Joven Contest with A Good Neighbor. In 2020 his story Vivir becomes the winner of the VIII Short Story Contest Projecte LOC of Cornellà de Llobregat. In 2021, his story La Línea wins first prize in prose at the Ciudad de Chiclana Literary Contest.
dog that doesn’t bark It is his first novel with Suma.

In this blog you can find reviews of the following novels by this author:-Dog that does not bark


On the Barrosa beach in Chiclana, at the foot of the cliffs, the body of an unidentified young woman appears. Suicide or murder? The investigations begin with Alfredo, the waiter who served her some drinks and who was the last to see her alive.


«Pelicans have a membrane on their large beaks. They hunt the fish, ingest it or break it down and then expel it by emptying it into this little bag. In this way, when they return to the nest, the chicks look for food in their beaks and they only have to swallow. (…) Some believe that the animal allows itself to be devoured by its own children, that the chicks, when they are hungry, stick their beaks into their parents’ chests and extract meat that they then eat. (Page 332)

The hunger of the pelican It is the second novel by Blanca Cabins. A novel that is independent of the previous one and whose protagonist is a city and its history: Chiclanaa municipality in the Bay of Cadiz full of history.
One of the protagonists of the novel is passionate about the history of Cádiz and from him we will learn some details about the enclaves of Chiclana. And it is precisely his past in the form of a statuette found years ago and kept secret that gives rise to this story of men and women full of ambition and desire for money to lead a different life.
Starting from the moments prior to the discovery of the body and without revealing whether it is a suicide or a murder, the narrative will alternate from the previous days, bringing us closer to the moment of said death to the current investigation of the events.
He will do it from the point of view of different characters, from Sofía, which is the name of the dead young woman, to Alfredo, the waiter who was the last to see her, or Rodrigo, a man who has cheated on his wife and she has asked a detective to confirm if he continues to deceive her.

All wrapped in a plot with an exquisite setting.


I liked it The hunger of the pelicaneven though I know that the first chapter with Sofía’s death in which nothing is revealed is still a narrative trap to trap the reader, nor that the real background of the novel perhaps takes a little longer than necessary to appear in statue shape.
Because I have to admit that I went through the novel without it catching my attention too much, until that happens and, from there to the end, the pace constantly increases and narrative tension.
The landscapes are probably some of the best in the novel and reading it made me even more eager to get to know one of the few corners of Spain that I still have to look forward to.


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