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The Pelícano of A Coruña, possible scenario of pilot tests of leisure “if tests are done”

The nightlife is one step closer to returning since they are Negotiations are underway between the Xunta and representatives of the sector so that hundreds of establishments can resume activity after more than a year of hiatus but always with the “safety” on the horizon. This is how the manager of the Cantones Village of A Coruña, Luis Diz, one of the precincts that concentrates more venues in the city and where the Pelican Room, one of the latest incorporations and that is postulated as a possible scenario of the pilot tests “if tests are done”.

This has been defended by Diz, who argues that “the evidence raised by the Xunta in which masks, social distance or CO2 meters will be required They cannot be done without people taking tests before entering and in the days after the night out. “” We are not preparing anything yet because everything is very green. Testing before entering the premises is non-negotiable and something that is being carried out in many cities of the world “, affirms the manager.

This requirement to carry out the tests prior to entering the establishments accompanied by its mandatory negative result It will be transferred this Wednesday by the representatives of the nightlife to the regional government, in addition to the increase in capacity that for the moment the Xunta has specified by 30%. “For us, the reopening with tests is essential, as was done in the pilot test of the Palau Sant Jordi in Barcelona, ​​which went very well. We will have to test all of them, both at the entrance and after five, six or seven days and thus check the epidemiological situation of the people who enjoyed the leisure day, “he explains, while criticizing that the stipulated 30% capacity “will not be able to support nightlife because it is not worth opening.”

Registration of assistants and air purifiers

Regarding the installation of CO2 meters in nightclubs and pubs demanded by the Xunta, Diz argues that what must be done “is to purify the air”. “If you simply move the virus, the risk is going to be there anyway. We are more in favor of some type of purifier to have full guarantees that there will be no infections “, he clarifies, at the same time that he is prudent because he emphasizes that “they do not want it to happen to them as with the Tobacco Law”, a situation in which he recalls that “they made investments and then throw everything away.”

Facing the reopening, Diz assures that the Xunta already raises the existence of a registry of people that was already used during the partial opening of the premises last July. “We have to try that people do not enter the premises infected,” he indicates, on which he clarifies that they have put on the table a kind ofhealth passport as is being done in Korea”. “In this country people who want to party you go to pharmacies the day before to have a PCR or antigen test done and verify the negative that will give you access to a QR code that will allow you to enter the establishments “, clarifies.

“We are going to wait, we are expectant and it is positive that the reopening is being contemplated but there is still a long way to go. For now, what we have to do from leisure is to continue working contributing ideas to the Xunta, because we know our sector and its particularities” , he maintains.

“If the conditions are met, I do not see premature reopening in July”

The manager of the Cantonese Village has put the premises of the complex (Pelícano, Amura, Brit, Inn …) at the disposal of the regional executive “if prior tests and monitoring of the traceability of the virus are carried out in the attendees” and places the Pelican as one of the best options. “We are not going to do a pilot test if we do not believe in it. If consensual tests are carried out, the Pelícano Hall will probably be one of the most feasible venues for this strategy. because it is one of the last to open and has the latest technology in air extraction “, specific, apart from making it clear that all the premises of the complex will be available to customers at the reopening.

The horizon for the return of the nightlife sector set by the vice president of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda, in July is something that Diz “does not see far-fetched.” “If the conditions are met I do not see it premature, but everything has to be done well with the tests carried out and that the measures adopted are profitable for the sector”, comments. Along these lines, Diz is aware that “It will influence the month in which it is reopened”, since it considers that “in summer more number of stores will open but if it is later more establishments will fall”. “In A Coruña city, quite a few locals will not be able to return because they have not been able to bear the extreme situation that we have”, concludes.

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