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“The peak of the 3rd pandemic is far away, patients and deaths will be poured out until early next year”

Medical staff working in the negative pressure bed of Kangwon National University Hospital. yunhap news

– While the number of confirmed cases of the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) in Korea recorded a record high of 1030 on the 13th, an analysis was raised that this’third pandemic’ is different from the first and second epidemics.

Experts warn “The peak is difficult to predict”

– The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that as of 0 o’clock on the 13th, 1030 new cases were confirmed in Korea, of which 28 cases were imported from overseas. The total cumulative number of confirmed cases up to this day was 42,766. The 1002 domestic outbreaks were concentrated in Seoul (396), Gyeonggi (328), and Incheon (62). Sporadic group infections occurred nationwide, including Busan (56), Daegu (28), Gyeongnam (22), Gyeongbuk (18), and Gangwon (17).

Experts have predicted that the peak of the third pandemic has not yet come, and if it remains, the number of patients and deaths will increase rapidly by the beginning of next year.
Jae-gap Lee, a professor of infectious medicine at Hallym University Gangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, said, “It is incomparable with the first pandemic centered on Daegu. At that time, the new patient was a patient related to the Shincheonji Daegu Church, and the route of infection was relatively clear. It’s a really scary 1000 people because there are now patients who seep into the community as a whole.” Professor Lee said, “At present, the peak cannot be predicted. If a strong suppression policy is not used now, the number of severe and severe patients will explode to 700 even after two weeks. “There are people who die because they can’t put on a respirator,” he warned.

During the first pandemic in February and March, the maximum number of new patients per day was 909 (February 29), which was similar to the current level. In the first round, group infections increased explosively, centered on the Shincheonji Daegu Church, but the spread was blocked by quickly finding infected people through total investigation and quarantine measures for church members and contacts. Thanks to this, the number of confirmed cases has decreased to double digits in 15 days since the peak was taken.

As the third pandemic is in progress, the most worrying thing is that group infections are erupting across the country, and it is difficult to identify the source of infection. Church in Gangseo-gu, Seoul (140 people), Restaurants in Jongno-gu, Seoul (80 people), Nursing hospital in Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do (66 people), Day care center in Gunpo-si, Gyeonggi-do (26 people), Religious facilities in Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do (3 people), Other classes in Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do (11 People), restaurants in Changwon-si, Gyeongnam (10 people), and music clubs in Changwon-si (11 people).

Some analysts say that distance measures are difficult to achieve a great effect due to the seasonal nature of winter. Jeon Byung-yul, president of the Graduate School of Health Industry at Chaeui Science University (former head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) said, “In winter, the survival period of most respiratory viruses as well as Corona 19 is prolonged, resulting in increased infectivity. Also, while mainly living indoors, ventilation is not good. In this situation, the distinction between high-risk facilities and low-risk facilities is meaningless.” Professor Jeon said, “I think that if the distance is strengthened, the contact will decrease and the patient will give it, but it is an illusion. “If you don’t wear a mask anywhere in your daily life, eat or have a conversation, and exposure to droplets occurs, you can become infected in an instant.”

The hospital bed utilization rate for infectious diseases dedicated hospitals surged in a month.  Graphic = Younghee Kim 02@joongang.co.kr

The hospital bed utilization rate for infectious diseases dedicated hospitals surged in a month. Graphic = Younghee Kim [email protected]

Kim Woo-joo, a professor of infectious medicine at Korea Daeguro Hospital, said, “The biggest problem is getting the distance step down when you shouldn’t, and not raising it when you need to. From October to November, there are around 100 patients steadily coming out, but I think it became the ember of a pandemic as it went down to the first stage.” “In the previous pandemic, I was able to benefit from the seasons. The virus survival period was short in the spring and summer, ventilation was hard, and people wore masks well due to the tension in the early epidemic. But now, seasons are an obstacle. You should know that people only live indoors. If you think it will be caught like August-September, it is a mistake.”

Social distancing 3 steps of quarantine measures.  Graphic = Reporter Cha Junhong cha.junhong@joongang.co.kr

Social distancing 3 steps of quarantine measures. Graphic = Reporter Cha Junhong [email protected]

– Some suggest that the distance stage should be upgraded as soon as possible. Professor Jae-gap Lee said, “We need special measures. Don’t do it one step faster and preemptively. Even if there is a sacrifice, there is no choice but to give it to him. It seems that the government predicted that this would be the case again because the last pandemic was relatively easily prevented, but the situation is different.” “The medical staff in the field are working hard to grind the bones, but they will collapse if more patients overflow here. Now is just before that.” Professor Kim Woo-joo said, “It seems like a step to upgrade to three stages now is a step to take. It is said that’the blow of self-employed people is too big’, as if it were a measure to destroy the country and the economy. But, isn’t it economically good to catch the corona?” He said, “If the distance is delayed and the distance is released, will the economy survive? If the corona spreads, isn’t it worse in the end? It is not economic quarantine, but corona quarantine.”

Reporter Esther and Lee Tae-yoon [email protected]

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