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“The peak of infections in August, then the cases will drop”

The ascent of the contagions from Covid in Italy. Now the Delta variant is prevalent. «I believe that today’s RT is an index not to be looked at. The RT goes down but the incidence goes up. It is reasonably conceivable that this wave of infections and not hospitalizations, it will peak within a week, per Mid-August we could be at the peak ». This was stated by Adnkronos Salute, Matteo Bassetti, director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic of the San Martino hospital in Genoa, commenting on the ISS report which highlights a slight decline in the Rt index, which falls to 1.56. “This means that after Ferragosto we will begin to see the descent” of the infections. “In short, what we have already seen in England. We are re-proposing, with a month and a half away, exactly what has already happened in England: the infections grow, the infections increase, there is no significant increase in hospitalizations and even in deaths, it reaches a peak and then it goes down. “.

“With these numbers there is no need to worry”

«It is evident that there will always be hospitalizations as long as there are infections, because especially when they concern the unvaccinated, unfortunately» the patients «end up in hospital. And even some of the vaccinated ends up in hospital, because they are the so-called ‘non-responders’ ». This was stated by Matteo Bassetti, director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic of the San Martino hospital in Genoa, to Adnkronos Health, commenting on the weekly monitoring on the trend of Covid-19, which highlights a slight increase in the employment rate in the medical area and in intensive care (at 3% and 4% respectively). «As long as the numbers are those we have had in the last 3 weeks – assures the doctor – there is no need to worry. It is clear that, if there were to be a surge in hospitalizations, it would be necessary to understand what to do and run for cover ».

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