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The peak of Eid’s backflow is predicted from today to tomorrow


Police Headquarters Traffic Inspector General Istiono predict the peak the backflow of the Eid holidays will happen today to tomorrow. A number of policies related to backflow this time have begun to be implemented.

“The peak of the backflow is predicted from today until tomorrow. Because Monday the public has started to work,” said Istiono in a statement received detikcom, Saturday (15/5/2021).

Istiono said there were millions of people who left Jabodetabek for Java and Sumatra during the Eid holiday. He said that millions of people are predicted to return to Jakarta and its surroundings this weekend.

“Data from the Ministry of Transportation shows that there are currently 1.5 million people from Jabodetabek in Java and Sumatra. This is what needs to be managed on a return trip to Jabodetabek,” said Istiono.

In the return flow of this Lebaran holiday, Istiono said that his party would carry out activities rapid test antigen at random. The policy was implemented today.

“The Sumatra region (Aceh to Lampung) is an area of ​​attention for COVID-19. Therefore, before crossing, it must be completed with a COVID-19 free letter,” said Istiono.

Istiono further said, for every citizen who is known to be positive for the Corona virus from the antigen test at the location, his party will not allow the resident to continue their journey.

“When the results random test shows positive, immediately referred to the nearest hospital that has been appointed, “he concluded.

Also watch the video: Don’t want to be quarantined after going home? Prepare a Covid-19 Negative Letter!

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

(ygs / morocco)

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