Home » today » World » The Peace Party in Russia received a blow: Peskov draws the line – 2024-09-26 19:49:24

The Peace Party in Russia received a blow: Peskov draws the line – 2024-09-26 19:49:24

/ world today news/ Russia stands in solidarity with the West. Is it true?

The day began with the publication of a statement by the presidential spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, that it is still too early to talk about settling the conflict in Ukraine. Dmitry Peskov expressed Russia’s position “in reverse”, answering a question about whether Russia stands in solidarity with the West, that a freeze on the conflict in Ukraine should not be allowed.

Russia is in solidarity

Peskov said and explained:

Russia considers only the possibility of completing a special military operation: securing its interests, achieving the goals facing Russia through a special military operation or by other available means.”

Peskov’s statement concerned, of course, primarily Russia’s attitude towards Western “peace initiatives”, the discussion of which has been particularly active since the meeting of the leaders of the G-7 countries in Hiroshima and the appearance there of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

At this meeting and after it, the West actively declared that it would not seek a truce with Russia. For example, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (as reported by TASS) said that holding peace talks on the situation around Ukraine should not be aimed at freezing the conflict.

What they meant is easy to understand if you listen to another G7 member, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. On May 22, he called “fundamentally wrong” any peace plans that do not provide for the return of territories lost to Kiev and will only lead to a freeze in the conflict in Ukraine.

And indeed, it is difficult not to note that the positions of Russia and the West for the first time coincide almost verbatim: the enemy does not want to freeze the conflict, and Russia will not do this either.

The parties of shameful peace are out of luck: the West does not want it

There would be nothing interesting in what is happening if it were not for one circumstance: only the “Korean equality”, that is, the freezing of the conflict along the lines of the current contact between the belligerents, seems to be the best way out of the period of hostilities of the internal “Party of peace”, which is both the “party of capitulators” and a “game” of defeat by points.

“Tsarigrad” has repeatedly written that although this “party” does not risk speaking openly in the Russian media, in fact it includes quite significant figures both in business and in the country’s politics.

The point of the activity of these people is, after concluding a certain version of an indecent peace, to return to the happy “before the war”. It was a great time when it was possible to “develop a patriotic business” by spending super profits on the Cote d’Azur or in Miami.

To this party of indecent peace, or “the party of capitulators”, analysts attribute, for example, Roman Abramovich, Vladimir Potanin, Vladimir Medinsky, Yuri Borisov, Viktor Vekselberg, Vyacheslav Kantor, Alexander Voloshin, Mikhail Fridman, Vladimir Lisin, Vagit Alekperov, Arkady Volozh, Alexey Mordashov, Pavel Durov, Andrey Melnichenko, Alisher Usmanov, Mikhail Prokhorov.

It is easy to see that the list includes not only “oligarchs”, but also representatives of a certain part of the political elite – that part that is associated with the “family” of President Yeltsin.

The problem with the “Peace Party” is that, wanting to “make peace” with the West, these people do not ask whether the West itself wants it. And the West, as we can see from the statements of the leaders of the G-7 countries, has no such desire.

And it is very understandable why there is no such desire: even the “freezing” of the conflict, not to mention the actual peace treaty on the minimum terms acceptable to Russia, will be perceived by the West itself as a severe defeat.

So many words were said about the need to “defeat Russia on the battlefield” and about the “strategic defeat” of Russia, what will they say: we got excited, we did not succeed, we will have to agree on something with the Russians – this is simply impossible for the leaders of the West now.

If you say that, then the American president is guaranteed to lose the next election – they are there in October 2024. And the Scholz-led “traffic light coalition” in Germany is guaranteed to lose power. And the “conservatives” in England will not resist. Overall, the political landscape in the West will change.

But that’s only half the problem. If the Western world realizes that it has been defeated by Russia in Ukraine, the process of liberating humanity from the neo-colonial influence of the West (talked about by Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping) will not be as slow and smooth as it is now. and it will literally explode.

This alone is enough for them not to admit defeat in any case. And to fight to the last Ukrainian, simulating with all their might preparations for a “counteroffensive” – ​​which we are now observing.

So our native “peacemakers” are out of luck: their desperate desire to “freeze the conflict” finds no response either in the West or in the East.

Russia will fight until the goals of the SVO are fully achieved. The West – until its resources are exhausted. And the fact that the press secretary of the president, whom one would like to see in the ranks of “frightened patriots”, only adds weight to the maxim. And deprives the “party of peace” of the penultimate hope.

What follows from this?

Just don’t be fooled. The “Shameful Peace Party” is forced to “tighten the fuse” for a while. She must be very careful and silent. But she didn’t disappear. And, unfortunately, it’s not going away anytime soon. And it will be ready for a “counteroffensive”. As soon as there are serious obstacles in front and difficulties in the back.

Translation: SM

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