Home » today » Health » The patient with AH1N1 flu, snatched from the clutches of death by the artificial lung that breathed in her place for two weeks, in Timisoara

The patient with AH1N1 flu, snatched from the clutches of death by the artificial lung that breathed in her place for two weeks, in Timisoara

TIMISOARA. On the verge of death, a 40-year-old woman with AH1N1 flu was saved by the ATI team of Victor Babes Hospital Timisoara. The doctors fought for a month to cure her.

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The patient arrived at the Victor Babes Hospital in serious condition, having severe respiratory distress with severe bronchopneumonia.
Practically, the patient’s lungs could no longer carry out the gas exchange between carbon dioxide and oxygen, and the result was a drastic reduction in breathing capacity. The greatest danger was the occurrence of organ failure, followed by death. She was immediately intubated and mechanically ventilated.

The patient, a 40-year-old woman from a town near Timisoara, had an acute, contagious infectious disease, the AH1N1 flu.

Because her health worsened, the Intensive Care team, led by ATI primary doctor Mirela Porosnicu, decided to connect the patient to an “artificial lung”, ECMO, which provides extracorporeal oxygenation.

For two weeks, the woman’s life depended on that device, which practically breathed in her place. After another week, she was extubated and managed to breathe spontaneously. During this entire period, he was administered an anti-influenza treatment“, convey the representatives of the Infectious Diseases Hospital Victor Babes Timisoara.

One month after hospitalization, the patient went home cured.

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