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The path to sustainability is rich and healthy

The path to sustainability is rich and healthy

In the organic garden implemented on the terrace of its new headquarters, Securitas Uruguay reflects its sustainability and circular economy strategy. The substrate used comes from the composting of organic waste generated in the company.

Securitas (All rights reserved)

Making this world a better place to live involves eating healthy. In line with its strategy, Securitas Uruguay implemented a successful organic garden program that is part of its sustainability and circular economy objectives.

In its new building, located on Avenida Italia, Securitas Uruguay implemented an urban garden where aromatic herbs, vegetables, fruits, and flowers are harvested.

The project, framed in a circular economy strategy, uses land from vermiculture and composting of organic waste generated at the company’s headquarters.

To implement the project, located on the back terrace of the new building, they turned to Huerto Sur, an enterprise dedicated to the design, implementation and maintenance of orchards.

“We have an accompaniment to the garden twice a week, where the maintenance of the good health of the vegetables is carried out, weeding, irrigation, organic fertilization if needed, replacement of damaged seedlings and harvest, among other activities,” says Soledad Collazo , coordinator of the company’s CSR area.

Two raised garden boxes (1.60 cm x 0.80 cm), a square planter (1.20 cm on each side), and 3 wooden drawers of 0.70 on each side were installed to cover the flowerpots of the fruit trees. Crops rotate to match seasonality and sowing schedule.

Currently, the garden provides aromatics, vegetables, fruit trees and flowers.

Aromatic: rosemary, thyme, oregano, mint, chives, basil and rosemary.

Vegetables: Arugula, leeks, kale, lettuces (oak, butter, endive, purple) celery, parsley, red cabbage, garlic, mustard, mizuna, chard, cherry tomato and American tomato.

Fruit trees: guava of the country (native fruit), mandarin, lemon.

After each harvest, the company packages the produce and shares it with the employees.

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